Finally decided to lose weight

After being 136-140kg (300 pounds) for decades I decided to lose it. Don’t get a lot of exercise due to asthma and copd.
Started to use the app a week ago and now down to 126kg just from checking what I’m eating on the app and stopping the chips, chocolate and boredom snacks. I even went for a walk today and done 6k steps. Hopefully I keep it up


  • larosita57
    larosita57 Posts: 60 Member
    Yay! Welcome, and kudos to your decision to prioritize your health!
  • jimmydr5
    jimmydr5 Posts: 255 Member
    @warrenbobtaylor Great job sir. Good decision 👍
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 561 Member
    Fantastic! Hopefully you may find that the asthma and COPD (I have them too) don't hold you back as much as you thought once you get some weight off and get your stamina up. It sounds like you're off to a great start!