new around these parts!

Hello! I'm new here within the last few days, just getting the hang of logging all my food and exercise and whatnot. I'm 24 and last doctor-weigh-in was hovering about 250 about a month ago -- my home-scale says 239 but I'll be going to the doctor again on Thursday so we'll see whether there's a difference between the two.

I've got major problems with depression and anxiety and my doctor recommended I start working out and watching my weight, etc. I've had problems with self-image in the past (I've finally gotten to the point where I don't look in the mirror and go "ughhhhselfhatreddddd") and I'm worried that this whole dieting-and-exercising thing will bring up those old demons, so I'm really hoping that a nice community of folks will help out with that :)

Anyways, I'm hoping to get down to 200 first and I'll look at losing another 50 lbs once I get that far. That would put me at a healthy BMI, at least. Though 100 lbs to start off with is just way too much of a lengthy goal. One step at a time and all that!

So with all that - hello!


  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I'm also fairly new to this site, but so far I think it's wonderful! I like seeing my food journal including calories, etc after I have added my food for the day. It really puts things in perspective. It's one thing to write it down, but it's something else when you add up all the calories. Sure makes me think twice before putting something in my mouth. It also holds you accountable, which is what we need to get healthy.
    Your doctor is right about exercise. It not only helps you look good, but it makes you FEEL good too. It stimulates the seratonin in your brain which is the "feel good" chemical. You will be amazed at how good you start to feel after exercising. I take a spinning class 4 days a week and after one class I feel like I can conquer the world. I have also found that the more I exercise, the less I WANT to eat. It all goes hand in hand. Just remember to drink LOTS of water!!!!!
    Good luck...I'm here if you need me. :o)
