a little momentum goes a long way

A week in and I'm feeling good.

I can't walk for a long time. I'll need some time. So instead of going longer, I did 5-10 mins, and did that 3-4 times. I wasn't moving as much as I should be and now i'm moving more and getting stronger.

I've been really careful about tracking. I still have a lot to learn, but if it's going in mouth, it gets tracked. The week was really good, and I'm feeling better than I've felt in a long time. I'm sleeping much better.

I've got a fitbit coming.

Met with my endocrinologist and he said my blood glucose levels were "phenomenal." He reduced my meds pretty significantly.

He asked me when I met with him for the first time...."What are you willing to do?"

I told him, I'll put in the work and do anything I can to get healthy. I don't wanna live like this anymore.

He told me "Then I can work with that."


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,019 Member
    It's a start, good for you and good luck.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,584 Member

    It sounds like you have a healthy approach. That's great! Taking it slow will reward you in the long run. The long view is where it's at, and it's also great that you're working with your medical practitioners.

    Keep sticking to it. It will almost certainly be tough from time to time, but keep sticking to it. You will almost certainly have days when you don't meet your goals. Don't let that affect your long view. Just keep sticking to it. Picture where you want to be in three months. Picture where you want to be a year from now. Small steps will get you there faster than sprinting.
  • caffeinebuzz10
    caffeinebuzz10 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement.

    I can't get to where I'm going in one day. A week of good days is just a good start. I have some work to do. Good bad or ugly, I'm committed to tracking it here.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,883 Member
    There’s gonna be ugly, there’s gonna be guilt and recriminations. Just ignore and start again immediately. People don’t do a journey of a thousand miles without stopping and resting, or getting lost or distracted once in a while.

    Focus on the destination, and forgive yourself the detours.

    I love your attitude. You sound like me when I started! You seem to have reached the point of “sick and tired of being sick and tired”, and that’s what it took for many of us here.