Coming back to MFP

I've come back to MFP since I left a couple years ago around covid. I was actually losing weight rather than gaining during covid. My lowest was 140lbs(from 170lbs). Since then, I've gained about 15lbs and I wanna get back down to 140 again. I figure some motivation or inspiration and friends could make it easier to keep on track. I also wanna track my food as I have a fast food addiction I want to get rid of. If I am logging what I eat, I can figure out where I might be going wrong and fix it.

Anyway, I hope I can make some positive friends here that'll help keep me on my weight loss path until I finally reach my goal.
Currently I weight 155lbs, so 15lbs shouldn't be that tough to drop if I keep on track, I hope.


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,556 Member
    Welcome back!

    If you have any desire to share your frustrations and celebrations with a group of folks with similar goals, you might enjoy a group I'm involved with called "Lose 1 Pound a Week and Keep it Off." It's a private group, so when you click on that link you'll have to request to join, and you'll be approved pretty quickly.

    There's only two requirements. First, enter your starting weight and goals for each quarter of the year. Easy. Second, enter a weekly weigh-in. Also easy. We have some ongoing other challenges, all of which are completely optional. They can be fun. We also try to do a "special challenge" each week, although we don't always get one up. The group is run by a few volunteers, and we're off doing fun things sometimes.

    Check it out if you want. Invite your friends. We're not really recruiting, but... we're kind of recruiting.