I must be doing something wrong.

Hi everyone,

I just wanted some feedback on my life and what I've been doing with my diet recently... a couple of years ago I lost 30 lbs and it felt great! It was very easy at the time and between then and now I seem to have put the weight back on. But here is my concern. When I lost it, I didn't do anything extreme, I just stopped snacking mindlessly and ate less sweets. But now, 2-3 years later I have stopped eating meat, don't drink extreme amounts of soda, limit dairy, even picked up a gym membership and started working out (cardio) anywhere from 30-60 mins on a daily basis, but... nothing. I can't seem to even lose 2 lbs, and my goal is now 30+. Websites and doctors always advise to eat the recommended 1200 calories/day, but when I do, I gain. I am 23 years old, fairly active, and vegetarian... in my opinion, I'm much healthier than I was when I originally lost the 30lbs but I seem to be doing something wrong because no matter what I do I won't lose any. Help!

Anyone have any similar experiences to share?


  • TX_RattleSnake
    . Websites and doctors always advise to eat the recommended 1200 calories/day, but when I do, I gain.

    You are doing something wrong
  • TX_RattleSnake
    open you diary and people are more likely to be helpful.
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    Don't drink any soda then.
  • kellyizradx
    I drink soda maybe once a month, if that. I doubt that's an issue.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    If you're gaining on 1200 calories, I assure you that you are underestimating your intake...the average woman maintains around 2000 calories per day so 1200 calories is a huge deficit from maintenance for most women. Hell, my mother is a senior citizen and all of 5 foot nothing and has a higher BMR than that.

    So basically, that's what you're doing wrong...you're underestimating your intake. Do you weigh and measure everything out and log it all? You have to do that and be consistent. Cutting out this or that doesn't magically make fat dissapear. Also, how are you getting your protein if you're not eating meat? It's pretty important to preservation of LBM (which is pretty important to overall metabolism)

    If you're truly gaining eating 1200 calories, you need to seek professional medical attention as that would suggest you have a medical condition that is severly hampering your metabolism.
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    miscalculating your calories...measure and weigh everything....or overestimating your calories burned during exercise...good luck
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Websites and doctors always advise to eat the recommended 1200 calories/day, but when I do, I gain.

    I guess the internet is always true and dr's usually recommend you to a nutritionist.
  • Shy_Yogi
    Shy_Yogi Posts: 101 Member
    Sure, 1200 cals are fine as long as all you do is lay around your house all day. Don't do anything else...just lay around. Then that would be enough.

    However you are exercising, walking around, breathing, talking to people, etc. Your body needs more fuel than that since you are expending energy. Try eating more and see how that works for you.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    miscalculating your calories...measure and weigh everything....
