Saying hello

I'm not new to my fitness pal but could use some support. Trying really hard to loose weight and following my plan but not loosing much weight. I'm hungry all the time any suggestions?


  • IzzieD93
    IzzieD93 Posts: 18 Member
    When I'm hungry, I either drink water (a glass or two), have coffee (black), eat fruit or if its late at night just go to bed and read a book or try and get some sleep.
    It's so tough sometimes but after a few days your body can adapt and won't be as hungry.
  • Venus_1
    Venus_1 Posts: 72 Member
    I found that MFP calorie suggestion that comes with losing 1 pound a week is too harsh. I added 100-150 calories and that made a big difference.
    Also I like bigger volumes so I try to choose lower calorie foods that take room on a plate like very green salads.
    IF might help.
    Warm water with lemon, teas without sugar. Warm liquids give a sensation of being full.
    Discover the community here. There’re plenty of useful information.
    Oh and be kind to yourself.
  • NotGvnUp_EJ
    NotGvnUp_EJ Posts: 65 Member
    kheath670 wrote: »
    I'm not new to my fitness pal but could use some support. Trying really hard to loose weight and following my plan but not loosing much weight. I'm hungry all the time any suggestions?

    Hi, you may need to add more calories to your daily allowance. Also adding some fat to your meal, healthy fat that is, like 1/2 of an avacado can help.Oh, and lots of water.

    Hope that's helpful.