Whole Grain Products good for weight loss?

WernerZiegler1 Posts: 40 Member
edited January 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, are whole grain products such as: Noodles, Rice, Oatmeal and Bread good for Weight loss since the digestion takes like forever?

I feel like my weight loss slows down when i eat more whole grain products especially for dinner.
My current weight is 81.6 Kg with 2000 kcal consumption.
lost 10 Kg in 3 Months.

Wanna lose another 10 Kg to get lean enough for bulking.


  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 843 Member
    edited January 27
    @ WernerZiegler1

    Questions for you:

    - what causes weight loss?
    - do macros matter for fat loss?
    - does food timing matter?
    - if you eat carbs for dinner, does that hold more water than protein? What does that do to your weight? Is it weight from water or fat?

    You’ve been here for a while now, start trusting the answers and yourself. It can be scary but you’ve been doing great so far, you’ve got this.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member

    Full stop.

    Fiber in whole grains helps with satiety and is an important part of effective digestion. Eat whole grains or processed grains as you like, really the differences in (for instance) brown rice and white rice are small.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    For those of us not using metric, you're 180 pounds and have lost 22 pounds in 3 months. If your weight loss is slowing down (you used the word "feel") it's probably because you are so close to goal.

    Use a weight trending app such as Happy Scale (iphone) or Libra (Android) and focus on the trend, not the individual weigh-ins. I have Happy Scale and use the “Moving Average” as my official weight.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,867 Member
    Congratulation on your loss so far.

    Considering your start point. Considering that you're losing a not inconsiderable amount of weight.

    Even though I acknowledge that cutting and bulking cycles are the fastest way to build muscle... I don't know if they are the best thing for you specifically and your health.

    How many times in the past have you tried to lose weight and go to the gym etc etc.?

    You're motivated right now and I think that you're in a great position to improve your long term health by continuing to lose to a position where you're happy with your weight and then just continuing to train and maintain.

    The training at maintenance weight (recomp) will reduce fluff. And you can even allow for some slow regain

    But I think there are some dangers, especially considering the speed with which you move, I think there are some dangers that you will be both by inclination and by hormones primed to end up in a dirty bulk that will take you all the way back to 92kg

    Aiming for maintenance while allowing for some gains and gainz is what I believe I would consider for myself were I in your position.

    I don't know how many times you've lost weight before. But you're losing fast. And it is far from uncommon for someone to watch themselves regain everything they lost over the span of the next year subsequent to weight loss.