Low Carb

I am a young, active senior lady who has resisted low carb eating my whole life. I didn’t think I could do it, didn’t really want to give up my bread, rice, pasta, etc…. I have lost weight in the past without doing low carb. I lost 50 lbs 4 years ago ( using this app counting my calories) but I gained part of my loss back. I’ve been having a real hard time getting back on track - but I never give up. My regular calorie counting was not working for me this time. Then I happened upon this YouTube video about Intermittent Fasting and low carb. I was pretty much already doing IF naturally, and I learned more about the low carb and decided to give it a try. I needed something to curb my sugar cravings. Well, I have to say- after my first week, it has gone much easier than I expected. I actually feel more full, much less to no cravings ( could be psychological too) and enjoying my food more. I am still sticking to my calories (1500 max per day but usually well under) I have actually lost almost 5 lbs in week one and I feel pretty good. What has been your experience and I’d appreciate any types tips going forward.


  • bubbeE787
    bubbeE787 Posts: 34 Member
    I agree cmriverside. I generally don’t like any foods to be off limits. I’ve tried everything using my regular method of eating; I just needed a change to get me going. I am enjoying this more than I thought. I have a cruise in two months and I really need to get my weight down before then. My goal was 10 lbs. Halfway there so hopefully I’ll be able to surpass.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    When I was in Costa Rica for 6 weeks I ate tropical fruit all day long and rice & beans twice per day. So, lots of carbs. I dropped a size without trying.

    Back in the US, it's helpful for me to eat fruit as it reduces my desire for higher calorie foods like baked goods and ice cream. I also limit bread and pasta as I don't find them especially filling.

    I aim for the MFP default macros - 40% carbs, 20% protein, and 30% fat. Prior I was probably eating slightly more carbs and fat, and slightly less protein.

    So, I'm not low carb by any means, but I find it useful to pay attention to what carbs I eat.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,538 Member
    Yeah, neither low carb nor IF does anything for weightloss. For weightloss you only need to be in a calorie deficit. And to keep the weight off you should idealy eat in a way you see yourself eating once you've reached goalweight because then you know how much you can eat and hopefully keep the weight off. If you only eat in a certain way to lose weight you've not learned anything once you've reached goal and go back to eating as you ate before.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    I know it was prolly a typo, but the defaults on this site are 50% Carbs, 30% Fat, 20% Protein.

    When I was in weight loss mode I tended to be in the 40/40/20 range. It's just how things fell for me, while still getting sufficient fats. I tried less fat and had a bunch of physical issues...That's a post for another time.
  • bubbeE787
    bubbeE787 Posts: 34 Member
    IF has been recommended for lowering blood sugar. Same with lower carbs. That is a goal for me as well. I’m getting up there in age.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,924 Member
    @bubbeE787 you can add me to the continent where during my year of faster weight loss I was about 7 to 8% lower carbs than during the subsequent years. It was still just over 44% carbs.

    I agree that you feel great right now. In fact lifting 5lbs off anyone will tend to make them feel good

    For your sanity you need to understand / embed one feature of going low carb and the difference between stored fat levels change and weight change.

    You said I'm half way there. Someone else said water weight.

    When you switch to low carb you deplete your body's glycogen stores.

    Each depleted gram of carb is stored with 3g of water.

    These will come back as soon as glycogen stores replenish.

    It won't be because you're fat and you overrate.

    It will be because it is a borrowed weight change that may help you fit in a stress but has not changed your underlying fat reserve level

    It's neither bad nor good. But it has led many people to quit trying even a single bon bon makes them gain 5lbs

    (It wasn't a single bon bon but they also didn't gain 5lbs of fat so the associated drama and heartache was the real problem)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    edited January 27
    The first slice of key lime pie on the cruise is gonna be a problem, too.

    It's not really an age thing. I'm older. I still eat a lot of carbs. My blood tests are normal. My doctor isn't concerned. My weight has been stable in my chosen range of 20-22 BMI for 15 years since I lost 80ish pounds.

    If you're just trying to lose vanity weight for a cruise, how are you planning to eat on the cruise? Those five pounds you just lost are related to going low carb but they aren't gone forever. If you don't eat a bunch of carbs on a cruise you're doing cruising wrong and those five pounds will be back after the first breakfast buffet or happy hour. . . because it's not fat, its glycogen storage. :flowerforyou:

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,924 Member
    edited January 27
    Sigh. Google.
    fit in a stress = fit in a dress
    trying even = trying when even

    exercise or activity levels? They may also help with A1C
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    LOL @PAV8888
    Is that why I never understand your posts? I thought I just needed moar coffee. ::hug::