Coffee Problem



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,558 Member
    I happened upon my friend who roasts coffee today. I told him about my latest "not a problem" of weighing my beans. Of course he asked if I sprayed my beans with a spritz of water before grinding because a recent study shows that it improves the coffee. No I don't. See? I don't have a problem....

    I mentioned that I was interested in trying an aeropress. He said, "Hey, I don't use mine - I can loan it to you." He's a dive volunteer with me, and we have a shift Monday. I'll just give him a jingle on Sunday and remind him, and then I can decide if I want to buy one for myself.

  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,067 Member
    I normally spray my coffee (always for espresso, less reliably for filter). It is known as the Ross Droplet Technique (RDT). It reduces static, so slightly improves consistency.

    There was a recent academic article on it

    Some coffee Youtubers did various summaries, for example:

    If you want another massive coffee rabbit hole, water for coffee is a big one. I was using Peak Water filters (which get to a near-optimal Total Dissolved Solids with no further intervention.) However, they've been out of stock of replacement filters for a while. So I am going to start using distilled water and manually adding hardness to the desired level.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 14,558 Member
    I am fortunate that we have very good tap water where I live. It makes good coffee.

    We talked about the recent study last night when one of the people at the table my friend was at chastised me for being a heathen.

    I currently don't have an espresso maker, so the spritz is perhaps less of an issue for me. I may find another espresso machine in my future, but I don't want another "cheap" model that only lasts a couple years. I can't justify a very nice model. I think my next two coffee tools will be a burr grinder (I've been saying that for years) and maybe an aeropress if I like the coffee the one I'm going to borrow makes.

    I skipped my normal grocery store visit this week. I might run low on coffee. THIS could be a problem.....