Got a suggestion on how to improve MyFitnessPal? Share it in this category or vote to tell us what you think of other people’s suggestions. Please be sure to review the Feature Suggestion submissions guidelines.

Make it possible to down-vote suggestions

I'd like it be possible to vote against feature suggestions, as well as supporting them.

Generally, I do want to support my fellow MFP users in accomplishing their goals, but occasionally there are feature recommendations that IMO are counter-productive, and I'd like to be able to vote "no" in the vote count, not just comment that way.

I know that MFP doesn't like negativity, as exemplified by getting rid of the "disagree" click reaction on posts (which I also didn't support, and still miss).

The planning for new MFP features is opaque to users, at best. I think it could be more representative of actual current-user interest to allow feature suggestions to be down-voted (as a separate count). I know this might require new capabilities in Vanilla Forums, if that option isn't already available, and know MFP has less control over Vanilla's direction.
7 votes

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