Hi! (hypothyroid & PCOS)



  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member

    I'm sorry it took you so long to get help. It's just that way sometimes. When I knew something was wrong, really wrong, I had stopped my BCP because it was making my sick to my stomach. it was my early twenties, I had not had a 'cycle' for a year since stopped the pill. I went to the doctor explaining that I hadn't had my period since I stopped taking birth control. They gave me a pregnancy test. *sighs* I TOLD them that I think I have fertility issues, something is wrong. I was told not to worry about it until I tried having a baby.

    But, I didn't want to have children . . .

    It took hair loss, hirsutism, only 3-4 periods per year, and an out of control weight gain to finally get doctors to listen to me, get some proper blood work done, and get an ultra sound of my ovaries. Textbook edition PCOS ovaries, thankyouverymuch . . . only took 10+ years to diagnose. ;)

    I'm just so glad you have a doctor that listens now. I have a new doctor too and she's great.

    Well, take your meds, log your food, and let your body start to re-balance itself.

    I use metforim morning/night and spironolactone (morning) to help with my PCOS symptoms. I was borderline hypothyroid, but my last physical showed my thyroid was doing better (probably due to the meds and losing some weight).
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