Fitness with shoulder injury

I’m currently waiting for keyhole surgery on my shoulder for impingement and am looking for workouts I can do without using my arms or upper back. I’m currently walking daily but would like to achieve more if possible. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,478 Member
    I've had 6 shoulder operations. If you have gym access, should have no problem using the lower body machines, pulling a sled, etc. Of course there is walking, if you can walk up hills all the better. These can also be done after surgery, but get your doctor's or PT's okay first.

    Also after surgery do the PT and ask your therapist if it's okay to do more than the standard. Most people don't do their PT homework and therapists often prescribe the minimum so patients aren't overwhelmed.

    Good luck.