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add features please

1. change title over quick add would be nice
2. edit recipes! annoying starting over because some minor miscalculation
2 votes

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  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 35,116 Member
    Recipes can be edited by deleting/replacing items in the recipe, or changing quantities.

    How to do that differs between the phone/tablet app and the web browser version of MFP. I think it's particularly non-obvious how to edit on the web version, because we have to hover the cursor over the right part of the recipe list to find the "edit" option (otherwise it's invisible), then have to hover to the right of the ingredient to see the ingredient editing options (otherwise also invisible).

    On the phone/tablet app (Android version), I haven't found a way to change quantity of an ingredient (the way I can on the web version), but clicking edit on the three-dots menu at top right on the recipe detail page will bring up a screen when I can delete an ingredient and add a different or modified one.

    I can give more details if you need them, but since I don't know which version you're using typing out both versions' detailed instructions is a bit laborious. (I hope you understand that I'm just a regular MFP user like you, not an MFP staff member. Often how-to questions here are answered by regular users rather than MFP staff.)