Late night muncher from T.O. - Hello everyone :-)

I'm finally ready to "stop the madness"
I eat great all day long and while the family sleeps, my evil twin eats everything in sight.
I'm hoping fessing up to my "problem" will be helpful. Any others with the same problem?
If I could only just go to bed I would be okay, but I wait until everyone goes to bed and then
search the cupboards. I wish I could put a lock on my mouth :-)


  • zeena06
    I'm finally ready to "stop the madness"
    I eat great all day long and while the family sleeps, my evil twin eats everything in sight.
    I'm hoping fessing up to my "problem" will be helpful. Any others with the same problem?
    If I could only just go to bed I would be okay, but I wait until everyone goes to bed and then
    search the cupboards. I wish I could put a lock on my mouth :-)
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I relate...this used to be my problem. I was an "alone binger", watching what I ate in front of others and then eating, eating, eating.

    Two things helped me:

    a "food curfew" (mine is now 8:30), three hours before my standard bedtime.

    realizing I wasn't eating enough during the day, particularly protein. This site is great for watching that you're eating enough of the right kinds of foods. When I first started, I'd plateaued and discovered that I wasn't eating enough. More eating has equaled more losing...gotta like that.

    hey, are you in my T.O.?

  • zeena06
    I'm in your T.O. nice photo.

    You are right about the curfew. I've tried doing that - really I just need to go to bed earlier.

    I'm constantly thinking about what I am going to eat next at night it is horrible.

    I'm hoping this works - at least so far today I've been good, the wee hours will be here soon enough :-)