Re-introducing myself...

Hello all! 45 yr old gal here. I'm new, but not... Been using this app off and on for a number of years. Came back on because I really have been neglecting myself and I'm sick of feeling the way that I feel. That changes today. I'm not trying to set lofty goals or pick specific numbers... I just want to feel and look better than I have the past couple of years. Feel free to add me! ☺️


  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,501 Member
    I'm taking the opportunity to update the two year old "About Me" in my profile...
    I really enjoyed being active, and make it a part of my social life. Things are always better for me when I'm engaged with my family and friends with activities. After getting to my heaviest, for my first go-round losing weight, though it's a bit goofy, I kind of got hooked on The Biggest Loser and got fired up. I plummet down 90 lbs., I gained 95 lbs back. A couple years later I dropped 50 lbs., then gained 50 lbs. back.
    I went to my doctor and was assigned to my healthcare system's obesity clinic about six months ago. I've met in a couple of groups, with a couple of doctors, and currently they have prescribed a weight loss medicine, Qsymia, and I'm giving it a try. My weight loss goal is to lose 100 lbs., but losing 5 lbs. would sure feel good.
  • Elenaolexia
    Elenaolexia Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Not-So-Newbie. I'm one too. I'm also 45 and have been a yo-yoer for about 20 years. I'm trying to permanently change that this year - a healthier me for the rest of my life.

    I like food a lot. I'm not a feelings eater or a bored eater. I was an athlete when I was young and could eat like a horse. Now, I'm pretty sedentary, but can still eat like I'm an athlete. I also like pretty high fat foods, so that's going to be the hardest thing to give up. I'm trying to eat clean (no processed or fast foods). I don't like to cook for myself or prepare meals, but I'll do smoothies and juicing.

    I'm really looking for a friend to keep me accountable. I'm at almost my heaviest again at 183. I was 200 when I was pregnant. But that was a long time ago. Now, my body is having a harder time losing weight, so the more support I have, the better. If you think we can help each other out, let me know. Best of luck to everyone!
  • Kotkoda005
    Kotkoda005 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello! 👋 Amd what a good goal. Love it and very much attainable! You can do this.