The Witching Hour!

For me it is between 3:30 and 4:30, when I get in from school (I am a teacher). At that point in the day I am ravenous, and would eat shoe leather. I have to have a snack since we eat dinner at about 7:30 or later. But then I cant stop!

When is your "witching hour" and how do you cope?


  • scookiemonster
    scookiemonster Posts: 175 Member
    Ha, mine's the same as yours :-) I'm also a teacher, and today was my first official day of the school year... I'd forgotten how physically exhausting and demanding school days are! Somehow every year I forget how it takes me a few weeks at the beginning of the year to get my endurance back up for the school day. I came home starving, depleted, and aching from head to toe. I often end up eating an early, crappy dinner because I'm too tired and hungry to take the time to cook a healthy meal, and I'm often cooking only for myself anyway, so why bother?

    I recently discovered kefir, and I find that a small amount really does satisfy me for a while. I came home today and had a small glass of it and then was actually able to hold off long enough to make a reasonable dinner without feeling weak with hunger. I'm thinking that might be my new after school snack.
  • Amalthea8284
    Amalthea8284 Posts: 49 Member
    Can you pack a snack to eat as soon as school ends, or on your way home?
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    If you know that that's a time that you are typically hungry, allot some calories in your day for a snack during that time period.
  • mmccance123
    For me it is between 3:30 and 4:30, when I get in from school (I am a teacher). At that point in the day I am ravenous, and would eat shoe leather. I have to have a snack since we eat dinner at about 7:30 or later. But then I cant stop!

    When is your "witching hour" and how do you cope?

    I got hooked on your "But then I cant stop" .... that sounds more like a huge craving to me (I could be wrong) . Real hunger does not make me insane -- only carb cravings do..... which means that I would suggest looking at the food you ate during the day. If it was a little loaded with bread or sweets or other starchy carbs that may actually be the culprit.

    These cravings may be prompted also by an emotional trigger such as the relief that I'm finally done with "that" for today and can go home and relax. In the past, I have responded to that kind of emotion with carb cravings and extreme eating, too. It is somewhere between a reward and a relief!!

    Here is the best solution I know: during the day (including breakfast) eat only protein, vegetables, and one or two fruits (for the day) -- don't eat any bread, potatoes, pasta, cookies, cake, or candies during that time. Then when you get home and need something when you walk in the door eat some more protein with veggies. If you include only these foods in your evening meal, too, on the third day when you walk in the door you will very likely have a very different approach to eating. You will feel like you are in control of your eating, instead of your "hunger" being in control.

    Don't take my word for it, try it out!!

    You are loved!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Same time but I get home from work about 4:15 and immediately exercise. By the time I get done it's time to prepare supper and the bad time is over.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Haha same here! I guess it's a teacher thing. I usually go for a long walk and then drink a bunch of water. Or I make an insanely large kale salad with balsamic vinegar.
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    Mine is at night about an hour after I get home from work 10:00pm til midnight and all I want to do is eat, nothing satisfies Me.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    If you know that that's a time that you are typically hungry, allot some calories in your day for a snack during that time period.

    This has been my strategy, and usually works. But lately I have not been satisfied with the normal size snack!

    Maybe eating a larger lunch would help, too. On Sundays I often eat a large lunch a little later (usually around 1 or 1:30 instead of 11:30 or 12) and sometimes I am barely hungry for dinner and end up just having greek yogurt or oatmeal.

    I guess eating lunch later would be helpful, but I cant control that at work.