Gotta get out of tis office

Im currently working out of town . The office im in has us working 12 hour shifts and they bring food in. While this is awfully nice of them makes it impossible for me to track my calories . I have no clue as to what they cook with , but i know its not great they have butter or marginin all over the vegetables and so on. Typical catering Im still doing my work outs plus some.. it just sucks knowing I could be doing so much better, and its impractical to go out 3 times a day for meals


  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    Is it all feasible for you to bring in your own breakfast, lunch and snacks - just use their services for dinner if need be? I realize you said you were out of town and likely staying in a hotel but maybe some shelf stable items you can pick up and keep in your room? just a thought.. good luck and hope you can wrap up this job soon.