***How is INSANITY working for you????***

Hey my fellow Insanity challengers. Just wondering how this program is working out for you??? Tell me your results and show me pics if available!!! need some inspiration to keep going with this program =)


  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I lost inches and 8 pounds without using the diet that comes with it but the BEST thing I received from Insanity is I now have GREAT endurance! I ran my first 10k which is 6.4 miles in less than 65 minutes! My short running days are on the average of 4.5 miles now!! Do NOT quit, Keep pushing PLAY NO matter how hard it seems!!! When you are done with the program you can be VERY proud of yourself cuz this IS most DEFINITELY the HARDEST fitness series ever made!!! Hang in there sweetie you can do it!!!! And BTW I did Insanity followed by P90X then I did another round of Insanity!!! Your younger than me by a long ways so yes you can do it!!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I have Insanity and it's no joke. I haven't done the whole program though but it is a great way to work up you fitness level. I will do a low impact modified version of what they are doing because it is tough. I took the summer off from it but I'm going to start it back up in the fall.
  • srhatten
    srhatten Posts: 28
    Thank you for the motivation!! Truly inspiring. I completed all 90 days of p90x so I'm no quitter, but I really want to lose some major lbs!!! I know it's a long term thing so I will try to finish Insanity and keep going from there. Thank ya!!!