Bathroom/Bowel Movements

Okay I may be a hypochondriac about this or this may be something. So three weeks ago I started on this and the goal is to lose 1.5LB a week. I've been doing weights (Goodlife, FitTrack 10 station 20 minutes) three times a week and I go for a 4KMish walk 4-5 times a week. I've cut out all the bad food (eg. donuts, chips, fries) and been eating really healthy (salad, some rice, lean chicken, fish, etc). I've dropped 1.3, 1.9, 1.8LB so far which is good.

However I've noticed recently that my bowl movements have become more frequent (from about 1-2 times a day to about 2-3 time times a day) and erratic (non-regular scheduled). I'm more worried about the more frequent. Should I go see a doctor?


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Change in diet will result in change in your bowel movements.