
I'm just getting back in the swing of working out. I'm wanting some friends for encouragement. I've learned it's better with support.


  • So true! Working out is a lot easier with others and you tend to push yourself harder too. Look into group fitness classes in your community! Boot Camps, Zumba, Yoga, Spinning, whatever you like to do. Great way to meet people with similar weight loss/fitness goals. You could probably even find or organize a running/walking group for the nice Fall weather coming up!
  • Having a support group makes a HUGE difference... if you can't join any classes, then try to have some sort of wii or xbox kinnect party for a fun way of exercising with friends. It helps to push you further... (Just Dance 2 and Zumba core are my personal favorites... Good luck! :-)
  • I did I joined my local YMCA and I have an exercise pal. I will start doing Zumba and other classes like kick boxing. I'm so excited I know with God and dedication all things are possible.
  • Thank u Cole082380.