Mommy's Help! -- Lost weight but its all rearranged!

I have lost all my baby weight and am almost down to pre married weight ( I lost the first 20 pounds on weight watchers and am here for the last 15) But the problem is, the weight is all rearranged. My legs and arms and butt are waaaay smaller than I can ever remember them being, but my belly is still big. My pants size is a 4 or 6 (on the low cut styles) but i still LOOK bigger because all the weight is still in my belly.
How do you get that belly fat gone?!?!?! Is it especially harder after a c-section??


  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I have never had a c section however i know people who have. I remember a lady I worked with who had a 20 year old son and had a c section. She was very skinny but siad she had the c section pouch she couldnt get rid of. A friend of mine was talking to her about it since she had just had a c section.

    Ive had two babies and yea Ill let you know about the belly once i lose the weight lol
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    c-section belly here =)

    what we have is the stubborn mother's apron...been researching online about it and it seems like the way to get rid of it is a tummy tuck.

    Losing belly fat is tough for me too...every where else is starting to look good. A friend told me losing the belly fat is a slow process. But I think if I was wearing a size 4 -6 I would be happy! =) (size 14 here =/ )

    Try to add more cardio & maybe try those waist slimmers
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    oh an dif you're a military wife - tricare may or may not cover a tummy tuck - just depends on the Dr. - having a belly flap can make us prone to infections (from what my friend was telling me) & to prevent that the Dr may sign off on a tummy tuck. I haven't asked a Dr myself on post yet but once I reach my goal and done having kids, I wouldn't mind a free tummy tuck! =)
  • TXmama
    TXmama Posts: 37
    Same here -- I've had 2 c-sections (last one last August). I'm almost down to pre-prego weight but have 30 pounds to go after that. I work out a lot -- cardio and strength as well as abs -- and I'm starting to get fairly toned but MAN, my belly is still HUGE! I'm nowhere near a 4 or 6 (10 in most things) though that's where I want to be, but I'm wondering if I'll EVER get rid of that pooch. I never had a belly before, either - I always gained it in other places. So I think it HAS to be because of the "C".
  • kaittx13
    kaittx13 Posts: 88 Member
    I am def not a mother.

    But my mom had my youngest sistr via c-section 9 yrs ago and cant get rid of that pooch either.
    She had me and my other sister naturally and always lost all the weight and went back to her "normal" body.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Two c-sections here. They definitely give you a pouch. But my tummy is also the last area to lose fat. When I got to my goal weight last year, my tummy was bigger than it is now even though I weigh the same. The fat continued to shift around after I stopped losing.
  • lilay
    lilay Posts: 122
    Sorry I don't know what to tell you, I have had 2 c-sections and as I lose weight my stomach just looks worse and worse. I've heard that after you complete losing weight you should wait 2 years because at that point your skin will be done shrinking. In all honesty I see a tummy tuck in my future.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    super hard with a Csection. your muscles are sliced apart so rebuilding them is rehabing a traumatic injury. Csection is major surgery. I had a double whammy of two herniated discs flaring back up with my pregnancy so i lost all back and all stomach muscles. Started from scratch afterward. Even three years later - and I am rather active and work out 3-5 times a week for the last 2 years at the gym in rather tough classes, but my ab muscles still hurt around my scar when I work them really hard (like hurt while working out, not sore afterward.) And I seem to have permanent saddle bags :( My wrists and forearms make you think I probably weight 120 (5'9") but I just finally broke 160. (I've been bouncing around 150-165 for the last 2 years.)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I was heavy before I had my c-section. It's been a while, but at this point everything's proportional. I've worked really religiously on rebuilding lower abdominal muscles, however.... That there's still a large layer of fat on top is the problem for me. The c-section scar is no longer pouched under (which was fairly horrifying....I'm hoping it's because of the twins, and that not everyone goes flat-tire-gross...)
  • perrenn
    perrenn Posts: 11
    I am only 5'3'' and weigh 125-130 now.. Started at almost 160 trying to lose weight.its so annoying. My ''mommy'' jeans I wear an 8 because they go over my belly.. But on the low cut styles I have noticed even the 4s starting to fall off by the end of the day cuz i have no butt or legs anymore!

    125 USED to look sooo much better!!! haha.. Thats sorta why I'm still trying to lose more weight.. im thinking if i get small enough the belly will HAVE to shrink more right?? I walk an hour everyday PLUS im doing P90x.. I think im doing as much cardio as I can....

    I don't know about a tummy tuck.. maybe when im all done.. but im not too fond of this scar I have.. and a tummy tuck scar is way bigger.

    Its just sort of depressing.. you work so hard, even the numbers look good.. but it doesn't look good in real life.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I've heard you can never ever truly get rid of the belly or apron of fat left over from a c section without surgery. I've had 2 c sections and while my belly has shrunk somewhat along with the rest of me so far, it's still the worst part of my body.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I can't be much help either. 2 c-sections and I still have the belly. I've always (and I mean since late elementary school:noway: ) had an issue with the "pooch." Now that I've lost almost 40lbs it's just gross looking. I'm hoping that as I keep it off, and keep working those muscles, the skin with rebound and tighten back up. If not, I may have to start saving for a tummy tuck one day:ohwell: Since I'm not a big fan of medical procedures (HATE needles, knives, etc.) I'll be holding out for that one as long as possible!

    If you are not TOO far post-op (or if you have to have another one), I have heard some really good things about the belly band that some people wear afterwards to help hold everything in place. Can't hurt to try it out! Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I do wonder how Britney Spears did it. (like if she worked it off or had a tummy tuck)

    She also had 2 c-sections.

    Kendra W. also had a csection - i haven't watched her show in awhile.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I've wondered about the actresses, too. After asking a friend who works in LA (on commercials and such), I found out they call them "C-tucks." Not exactly sure what they do, but its something along the lines of the tuck after the baby's delivered but before they finish closing. Wish I could've afforded it when I had #2!:laugh: