Every. Day.



  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    edited May 1
    Sorry – long post - feel free to skip.

    Journey Month 1

    I started the IE "intuitive eating" journey one month ago today. I had tried this before, but did not succeed. This time it was probably not a typical start, as I began by the normal ‘dieting’, tracking, etc. I did it knowing that I wanted to move toward IE and just took this period to read and understand what I was about to do. During this time, I also concentrated on making sure I got adequate sleep, exercise, hydration and made an attempt to do more things with friends. These three issues were key, because I frequently struggle with trying to figure out whether I am tired, stressed, bored, thirsty or hungry! Fundamentally, I needed to cut down on the ‘noise’ if I was going to be able to listen to my body and try to understand what it needs.

    After about two weeks, I decided to switch over to IE. By this time, I was MUCH MORE attuned to what I was feeling. Turns out that much of the time my eating was a response not to hunger but to one of the other issues. Addressing those has been absolutely essential to being able to recognize and respond to my hunger cues.

    Once I started IE, the only real change I made (besides no longer tracking and obsessing about what I was eating) was to focus on variety. Instead of eating the same things over and over again (typical diet mode), I made sure that I was digging out old recipes, trying new ones, etc. The only ‘rule’ for me, was that there were no rules. I do tend to have the same thing for breakfast most mornings, but lunch and dinner are as varied as I can think of and have time for. The only time I eat the same thing twice is if I make something that has left-overs that don’t freeze well. Otherwise, into the freezer for future meals leftovers go. This variety has proven to be my ‘magic cure’ for cravings. So far, I can honestly say that cravings have not not been an issue.

    One other key change for me, that seems to have really resolved bingeing, is the concept of granting permission to myself. When I have people over for dinner, or o out to dinner, and I know that I will be eating/drinking special things (i.e., dessert, richer than normal daily foods, drinking a glass of wine), I no longer try to plan just how much I can have to ‘stay on plan’ (old behavior). Inevitably, that would never work. Instead, it would tend to lead to overindulgence, disappointment, feeling ashamed of myself, and several days of highly "bingy" behavior following. Or, if I managed to ‘regulate’ myself, I would end the evening craving and giving in to eating, which, again, often led to a binge. Now going into such a day/evening, I tell myself that I am going to eat (whatever), have a good glass of wine, enjoy dessert and savor the entire experience. Doing that, I end the day feeling satisfied and content … and best of all a return to ‘normal’ eating the following day. And, pretty much I am quite happy with just a ‘normal’ amount of food. Amazing how the messages you give yourself can have such a powerful impact on behavior.

    My goals for April were to walk at least 10,000 steps per day, a FitBit sleep score of at least 80, and to adhere to my eating plan. Results
    Steps – 29 days at 10,000 or more Average steps/day – 13,500. Total miles – approx. 160
    Sleep – 25 or 30 days with sleep score over 30 (never lower than 78)
    Food – Started tracking and then moved to ‘intuitive eating’ after two weeks. “On Plan” – 30 of 30 days.

    All in all, an excellent start. May will be much the same. Only changes will be 12,000 steps a day (vs 10) and add more variety in fruits and veggies.
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 104 Member
    edited May 1
    jan110144 wrote: »
    @kaferine69 Feel for you re work stress. Life is so much simpler being retired. Most of the stress I encounter now is totally self-imposed. It is definitely a challenge to find non-food ways to handle it.On the positive ... isn't it exciting to begin to feel the differences in how clothes fit? :) Good for you!

    I work in litigation for a law firm, so the work stress is always at an "above normal" level. Something I have always struggled with is coming down from dealing with work stress levels once I get home; once I know I can relax and not have to be super focused, I just then have no energy or motivation for anything else. And that has contributed to many lazy habits over the years, both with mobility and with poor food choices. I'm in my mid-30s now and I have multiple inherited health targets on my back, and I really want to try to get as healthy as I can to help manage those. But.... man, I'm just always so tired and unmotivated after work! I'm working on it.

    @jan110144 - Great job on your April accomplishments! I really hear you about the habit of eating the same things over and over. I am trying to make changes there, too. Changing it up for me means overindulging, so trying out different meals that are good for my body is different!

    Not feeling as great this morning. I'm tired and feeling a little bloated. I had good hydration yesterday and ate pretty well, except I did have ice cream for dessert last night. Ate within my calorie limit, but idk, maybe the dairy and sugar just isn't sitting as well the next morning. Noted and will try to remember that for next time.

    Tomorrow is the Big Doctor Appointment where my doctor is officially putting me on the diet and will be checking my logged foods on here, and the new meds start. I'm.... really apprehensive about it. I have a lot of complicated feelings about weight loss meds and diets. There's a large part of me that doesn't want to deal with the stigma that I know is coming, even though I know that it's no one's business but my own. But I'm still struggling with it all.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member

    May off to a good start. New hvac system installed yesterday ($$ - ouch!).Window replacement scheduled for end of month ($$$$ - OUCH!).

    @kaferine69 best wishes for your doctor's appointment today. Please let us know how it went. Just a thought ... with your job being so stressful, have you thought about doing something as soon as you get home tobwind down? Not sure what would work for you, but I find going for a walk is really good. If the weather doesn't cooperate, then putting on some favorite music and just closing my eyes and listening for 15-20 minutes is very helpful for destressing.
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 104 Member
    @jan110144 - I do actually play video games to unwind. I have to keep my mind mentally engaged, because if I just sit for a period of time not paying attention to anything, I will simply fall asleep. Really chill video games that don't take up very much focus are the ways I wind down. I also read a lot. I think my mind thinks that if there's nothing happening to focus on, then surely it must be time to sleep!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 104 Member
    Today is the day!! I'm at work, but finding it really difficult to motivate myself and focus. I ate well yesterday and did 20 min on my recumbent bike.
  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    edited May 2
    Day 45: 217.8 (-2.0)

    I've been up and down between 217 and 222 for a while now. I'm honestly glad my "break" didn't affect the scale more than it did. Tomorrow is pay day so I'm hoping to restock on my "keto friendly" foods so I have a bit more to choose from besides eggs and pork rinds.
    I'm realizing since we moved that I've been in a mental/emotional rut... I'm scared to label is as depression, but it just might be. This is something I've battled my whole life, so I know some things that'll help. Motivating myself to do them has been the tricky part. I've been trying to convince myself to take my son for a walk the past couple of days. I keep getting told how beautiful it is outside, but all I've wanted to do is stay in bed as much as I can. Well, today I gave myself a tough internal talk - almost made myself cry lol. I got my butt up and we went for a walk. And it was beautiful out and the baby was smiling and looking all around, before dozing into a peaceful sleep with the breeze keeping him cool. It helped me a bit. I came home and instead of climbing into bed, I got some laundry and dishes done. Baby steps, right?

    I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with replying to your posts - I've been reading them!

    @wewillbskinny how's everything going for you!? It's been nice seeing you chunking away at the weight! I'm hoping to join you in onederland in the next couple months!

    @jan110144 I love your approach to all of this! I'm so glad Intuitive eating has been working for you and you're still enjoying what you eat! 10k steps is impressive, but I have no doubt you can accomplish the 12k most days! You're very inspiring :)

    @kaferine69 I hope the doc appt goes well for you! Just keep in mind, it's your health on the line, not the opinions of others. Do what you think will give you the most success for a happy, healthy life. Hopefully you'll have a decent support group, even if just from your medical team!

    @krabuck for your C25K are you focusing on completing the distance, or your time to complete? I can walk forever, but not very fast lol

    Have a good day, all!
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,857 Member
    Awegg05 wrote: »
    I'm realizing since we moved that I've been in a mental/emotional rut... I'm scared to label is as depression, but it just might be.

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Nothing out of the ordinary here yesterday. All is good.

    @Awegg05 Glad you got outside with the baby. Does sound a bit like depression, which would not be an abnormal response to the stress you have been under. Good that you have strategiescthat you can employ. Don't hesitate to reach out for help.
  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    Day 46: 217 (-0.8)

    Officially my lowest weight since I started trying to lose with since December! Officially out of having a BMI in the 40s! Officially my pre- pregnancy weight!

    Starting tomorrow, we're supposed to get rain for a week straight, it looks like. I'm hoping to get the baby out for a walk this morning. He woke up at 430a to eat but went back to bed (me too!) til 830a. It was nice! I have a plan to eliminate napping again, as it just makes me lethargic all day. Later this afternoon, gonna pick up my other kiddo from his school and take him back with me for the weekend.

    Hope everyone has a nice Friday and do you best sticking to your plans/goals over the weekend :)
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 104 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Re: doctors appt. yesterday. It started off terribly. I left work early to make the 3:30 pm appt, which was over an hour away due to traffic, and they TEXTED (not even called!!) a half hour before to tell me it was cancelled because the medication didn't come in. I was livid! Told them I could not believe they cancelled so close to the appt, that I was already on the way, and that this was after they texted earlier that morning to confirm!! I had already turned around to head home and they texted again telling me that the truck with my medication had just arrived and they could still see me today. Told them I'd be late but would be there. UGH!!!

    Anyway, appt. went fine. I haven't been choosing the correct snacks or carbs, so I'll have to work on that. He was pleased that I started 2 weeks early and have pretty much kept to my calorie limit. He thinks my 1600 calories per day will lessen over time because I'll struggle to eat that much. Seems crazy to me.

    No adverse affects to the meds yet, except a headache, which could be from anything.

    Today will be fun. Date night with the hubs - we're going out for sushi and a movie! And Sunday we're taking my mom out for some dim sum. I don't think there's really anything I can do to make "better" food choices there, so I'll just have to be mindful to keep portion sizes small.
  • Awegg05
    Awegg05 Posts: 168 Member
    @kaferine69 man that sounds like QUITE a doc appt! I'm glad you wete able to attend, even if late because of them. I would recommend looking into electrolytes and supplement them - that will help with headaches, fatigue, ect!
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    Day 18

    For whatever reason, feeling discouraged today. I think I need to stop weighing myself every morning... I know weight fluctuates every day, but I still like to see progress each day. However, the last two days the number has moved in the wrong direction. It's making me nervous that I am doing something wrong.. I am going to try to put it out of my mind and keep doing what I've been doing because it was working and I'm sure it still is... my little brain just needs to see it on the scale haha..

    @kaferine69 glad your appt is over with! What an ordeal trying to get there, they could have at least called instead of texted!!

    @Awegg05 congrats on your lowest weight!! That's awesome, and I'm sure you feel amazing!!! I am focusing on completing each day of the C25K app, so it's not really about doing it in a certain time or a certain distance, just trying to survive jogging for whatever length of time it tells me.. some days are TOUGH like last night it was alternating 3 minutes of jogging and 5 minutes of jogging with very little walking in between. I struggled! I think it will probably be a while before I am able to do a 5k, and at that point I will focus on getting comfortable with completing the distance.

    @jan110144 IE sounds awesome, I hope to get to that level of self control and self awareness! I imagine that it feels freeing!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    First day off the rails. Looking back at it today, I think I just plain under-ate the past couple of days and allowed myself to get too hungry. Resulted in mini-binge. Only positive thing was that I did not have any junk food in the house, so overate mostly good stuff. Back on Track today, hopefully. Telling myself that this was just one day in the rest of my life ... no big deal in the scheme of things.

    @kaferine what a day you had with the doc. Glad it ultimately went well. Date night sounded like fun.

    @krabuck The scale🤨 Those mysterious bumps upward are frustrating! All I can say is that, hard as it can be, is to trust the process.

    @Awegg05 Rainy time of the year here as well. One of the things I do with my morning coffee on rainy days is to look at the hourly forecast to see when there might be a break. Those are often the days when I do one really long walk instead of two shorter ones.

  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    Day 19
    255.2 (-3.4 from last official weigh in)

    The scale was kind and generous this morning… could have been the 5k yesterday. It went well! I ran for more of it than I thought I would, but I did have to walk here and there. I think the energy was motivating, plus I felt comfortable using headphones. I don’t usually wear them when I jog around my neighborhood because I’m alone and want to hear my surroundings, but it was nice to drown out my gasps for air 😆😆

    Goals for today
    -make reasonably good choices at this steeplechase event we are attending today
    -drink all the water

    @kaferine69 I hope your date night was fun!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Had fun yesterday. Went to Infmdy for a play (matinee) and then out for early dinner. Did not make the greatest food choices and missed my 12000 step goal, although did make 10,000. Need to get back on track today.

    @krabuck A huge CONGRATULATIONS on completing the 5k. That is s huge accomplishment!!
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 104 Member
    @krabuck CONGRATS on your 5k!!! I've always wanted to do one, but those dreams kind of sailed when I
    broke my ankle in 2019. :(

    This weekend was a bit of a mishap in terms of eating. I did budget my calories for meals, but I had dessert both days and totally blew my numbers. I still logged them, though, even though I know my doctor will see the overages next week.

    I can't say that I feel any effects of the medication. We'll see, I guess?
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Whew! After 2 rocky days, back on track (hopefully🙂). Good day yesterday, including a good night's sleep, which makes a huge difference. New recipe for the week... huli huli chicken in the grill. A keeper.
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 104 Member
    edited May 6
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Whew! After 2 rocky days, back on track (hopefully🙂). Good day yesterday, including a good night's sleep, which makes a huge difference. New recipe for the week... huli huli chicken in the grill. A keeper.

    Sounds delicious! I LOVE grilled food, but my husband is very odd and doesn't! He doesn't care for the taste of the charred grill marks!

    We've got some new Mediterranean recipes we're trying this week, too: chicken souvlaki skewers (pan fried instead of grilled) with portabella mushrooms & tzatziki for dipping; Spanish garlic chicken (pollo al ajillo); and a pork-and-green-bean slow-cooker meal.

    Today we're going over to his brother's house for a game night, and we normally order out for delivery. We're going to try to push for a Red Robin meal because they've brought back their salmon and broccoli dish.
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad I did it, but also glad it's done 😆 I plan to continue with the C25K app and sign up for another one or two 5ks this year. And I will definitely do the one that my employer sponsors next year and hopefully run the whole thing! ...btw this morning, the coworker who made a comment about me participating in the 5k asked how it went and also mentioned that she noticed I've lost a few pounds. Not sure how I feel about her commenting on my weight... but excited for it to be noticeable!

    Yesterday I went to a steeplechase in Delaware, we went with a group who had a tent and a caterer, and it was a food free-for-all for me... I tried to stay on track but kept grazing the buffet. We were there from 11am to almost 5pm and it was raining so we were literally stuck in a small space with amazing food all day. I tried to keep track of everything I ate in my diary here but gave up after a while. Back on track today though. There's a growth revelation for me... only a few weeks ago, after having a bad day of eating I would have just given up.

    Today's goals
    -stick to planned meals and snacks
    -C25K week 4 day 2

    @jan110144 and @kaferine69 both of your planned meals sound sooo good!!!! I think I need a snack haha
  • kaferine69
    kaferine69 Posts: 104 Member
    kaferine69 wrote: »
    Today we're going over to his brother's house for a game night, and we normally order out for delivery. We're going to try to push for a Red Robin meal because they've brought back their salmon and broccoli dish.

    The group decided on Jason's Deli, so I picked a cup of chicken noodle soup and half a Santa Fe chicken sandwich! Not my usual fair, but wanted to branch out to some new flavors. It's slightly under 600 calories for both, so larger than my usual meals, but I have the calories for them.