I woke up this morning to find my trusty Biggest Loser food scale that I’ve had FOREVER was not working. The battery compartment is all rusted and corroded. YAY! Any recommendations for a new one. I’m okay to upgrade to a nicer one!!!!


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,403 Member
    Any scale with do, really. Chose one with a battery that is easily replaced. As in: I used to live in a country where the rather unusual battery in a German brand scale was only available with quite some effort.
  • projectfit164
    projectfit164 Posts: 1 Member
    Crownful scale from Amazon has been great, lightweight, easy to use. Less than $10!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,652 Member
    edited April 5
    I actually bought the ozeri "garden" variable precision scale. Yeah yeah 420 ha ha: it has 10th of gram precision up to 420g and then switches to full grams up to 5kg (10.2lbs)

    Lettucia's shut off is a bit short at 2 min but it beats the much nicer feeling and looking black 3 battery Oxo w/pull out display that *never*
    auto shuts down. I assume DOA defective as opposed to a new "feature". The old white Oxo (4 batteries) was the best of the best but it got hit on the head and took a dive down the stairs!🤷‍♂️

    Given what I paid for lettucia... buy one in each color .... but even a single one does a good nuff job in spite of being a tad on the plastic side.

    Cause with 10lbs there is always the ability to use a random can or jar to raise your plate so you can see the numbers. Oxo pullout is awesome for sure.... but one Oxo costs a much as 3 or 4 lettucias.... and can measure less of a range (just to 5lbs), or with less precision if you get the model that does to higher weights