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Add a One-click Maintenance Day Option to the food log

Even when working toward my general goal of weight loss, there are days where I switch to maintenance calories (sick, special occasion, plateau, whatever). Most people I know who are working on a weight loss goal do this as part of healthy and sustainable approach.

The only way to do this right now is to update the goals section to “maintain weight” or to create a custom negative calorie food or exercise labeled “maintenance.” This is particularly inconvenient because that number changes as I lose weight.

I would like an option at the top of the food log to click to switch to maintenance for the day. After a certain number of days of opting for maintenance calories (set by the app or custom set by the user) the app could prompt me to update my goal in the goal section. Maintenance day data could also be included in the snapshots the app provides about what habits help keep users on track.
3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    I love that idea! I see how that could be beneficial.

    Please know that I passed along your idea to our internal team to consider for a future update.