Looking for people to keep in touch with!

fairy28 Posts: 13
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everybody,

I was using this site religiously last year but then just stopped and sort of forgot about it, until I got an email today. I am looking to get back into the swing of things and I like to try to have buddies to help out and be helped by. Let me know if anyone is interested!


  • Sure thing! Add me, I'd love to have more supporters. :D
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    You can add me too. It's always nice to have a support group!
  • moniraq
    moniraq Posts: 63 Member
    I'm game! I just started today so I'm looking for support too.
  • I just joined yesterday & am really excited! I would love to have a support buddy :)
  • jessudd
    jessudd Posts: 133 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm pretty new and loving the support that the members on this site gives!!
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    add me ill be a support buddie i could use another one my self... everyone just add me
  • nanubr
    nanubr Posts: 9 Member
    Go ahead and add me:tongue:
  • Dazza__W
    Dazza__W Posts: 6 Member
    Just joined a couple of days ago :)
    add me too :)
  • marly83
    marly83 Posts: 10
    i only just started, so i could use a friend =)
  • teatee
    teatee Posts: 5 Member
    Add me please.... this is my 2nd day and it wasn't a good one but... tomorrow is a new day:smile:
  • spiritgurl
    spiritgurl Posts: 160 Member
    I'm new this week as well and would love to have more friends for support and to support...Add me!
  • Gorgeous1
    Gorgeous1 Posts: 450 Member
    You can add me too! I'm looking for buddies here.
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Sure it's nice to have support you can add me too.
  • noble1987
    noble1987 Posts: 132
    Add me - I need support too and I seem to be lacking in the friends department LOL

    Good luck x
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome back. Add me if you would like, more support the better.

  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Add me if you want
  • I am new and looking for all the friends i can get on this site :)
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