Hello future Friends

I’m the Newbie on the block…
I’m looking for guidance and support as I Clearly have “No Idea what I’m doing with this App or community.

Come say hi and give me your input and insights as well Andy suggestions to help my Journey.
(It’s going to be a long & hard one)

Thanks in advance


  • BarbaraInSarnia
    BarbaraInSarnia Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome aboard. None of us are experts. Just people trying to help people.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,638 Member
    Welcome, Brian! Buckle up, this journey is for the rest of your life, so let's make it one you can live with for that long. Small changes at a time, honesty and humility (with yourself if no-one else), remember to live a little as you go along. We're not preaching anything fast and temporary, we are preaching a gradual approach for life. You got this, and we're ready to help.