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Add "Duplicate Recipe" (and Meal)

I often bounce between a couple of recipes that differ in only one component or two. Being able to duplicate an existing recipe then change only those elements would be a time-saver. Same for meals. Thanks for your consideration!
5 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 873 MFP Staff
    Hi there! We do allow you to copy any recipes you have created. At the moment is only available on the website. We will consider bring it to the apps in the future!

    On the web:
    • Log into the website -
    • Click Food then Recipes
    • Find the recipe you would like to copy and select Copy
    • You'll be taken to the recipe editing screen where you should see (copy) at the end of the recipe title
    • Edit your Recipe and Save or Save & Log It
  • MariannaOfficial
    MariannaOfficial Posts: 1 Member
    I would appreciate to have this function on the app! I never use the website as I log all my food while on the go, often while heating/prepping my food. The ability to copy/duplicate recipes that may vary in a few of the ingredients from week to week would be very helpful. Thank you in advance