Hello Everyone!

Hi all! I have come back to MyFitnessPal for a second time after losing 50 lbs a few years ago. This time I have put that weight back on after menopause set in and a severe bout of depression and the holidays didn’t help matters. I’ve been at this for 45 days straight with full steam and have not gone over my calories , watched my macros, been drinking all my water and so far after more than 6 weeks I’m only down 10 lbs. That by itself would not be so bad, except that the last two weeks I have been stuck there. Not one pound off in those two weeks and I have been so good!! I’m thinking it is because I am unable to exercise this time due to a disability. I am trying desperately not to get discouraged, but it’s hard. I’m hoping to find help and encouragement here. If anyone would be so kind as to reach out with suggestions or your own advice or thoughts on your journey I would really appreciate it. It’s going to be a long road, but I am seriously dedicated to it for my health and I hope to get to know some of you as we go along this journey together!


  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    Hi! Sent a friend request!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Welcome back!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,847 Member
    It's not super unusual to lose a good bit at first, then stall for a couple of weeks. Usually, it's that a new eating pattern triggers a water weight drop at first, then water retention re-balances, and the extra water masks ongoing fat loss on the scale for a while.

    You're at 10 pounds down over 6 weeks, so averaging over a pound and a half a week, which is actually pretty fast loss.

    If it were me, I'd hang in there and wait it out for another couple of weeks at the same calorie level and overall routine. If it's a water weight effect, it's not very likely to last more than a month (as long as there's no health issue complicating things - and I'm not seeing anything relevant of that type in your post). You could see a scale drop within the next couple of weeks. It's not a great idea (IMO) to cut calories really quickly for short scale stalls. That can increase stress levels and water retention . . . sometimes people dig themselves into a hole by reacting too quickly to a temporary stall.

    If you haven't, you might consider reading this while waiting patiently ( ;) ), especially the article linked in the first post of the thread:


    Since you've been through this before, you know that losing a meaningful total amount of weight is more a marathon than a sprint. Using manageable, moderate tactics is a good plan for that longer term, IME.

    Best wishes!
  • Rxman1971
    Rxman1971 Posts: 227 Member
    U got this. Feel free to add