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Track Salt

Sodium and salt are not the same thing, people incorrectly write the salt details under sodium. Salt is one of the main things written on packaging colour wheels, and as someone who is now trying to reduce salt intake due to health reasons a salt nutrition section would be ideal.
2 votes

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  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,349 Member
    Two things. First, the nutritional information here is designed about the nutritional information on US packaging. To the best of my knowledge, it doesn't include salt, it includes sodium. Second, if you have issues that require reducing salt, it is likely because you have issues with sodium, so reducing just salt will not deal with other sources of sodium.
  • LisaTheStar
    LisaTheStar Posts: 2 Member
    I understand what you are saying, however this app is used across the world, UK packaging mentions salt on almost every package, and I've seen food inputs where people end up incorrectly converting salt into sodium by timesing salt by 100 or whatever, and giving complete inaccurate readings making it impossible to track it. Hardly anything mentions the couple of vitamins and types of fats that are labelled so they get left blank, so if US packaging doesn't mention salt then surely they can just leave that bit blank instead. I'm not saying get rid of the sodium but just have an added salt option which would make it so much easier and accessible.