Getting past the Plateau

Hello All! I am 47, and staring down my 30th class reunion in a few months, still have all my hair. I found this site a couple of days ago, and have been very pleased with it. The ability to add and delete foods to see how they will work with what I would like to eat is great. Over the last 4 months I went from 190 lbs to 162 lbs so far. The weight seemed to go on, and stay on after my 3rd back surgury. I got up to a 35 waist but can now fit in 30, but 31s are still more comfortable, but still working on it. I am 5’9, and built pretty small. It seems the last 6 or 7 seems to be the hardest. Would like to get down to 155, high school weight, and then start building back muscle. I am going to the gym 3 to 4 times a week, started about 3 weeks ago. I have a pretty high metabolism. For about 6 months, I was eating what I wanted, when I wanted, and paid for that. I usually went to lunch alone, and that is not usually a good thing. My weight can fluctuate 2 or 3 lbs in either direction on any given day.


  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    By the way, I am a Total Foodie! Cooked through both Mastering the Art of French Cooking. You have no idea how much butter that takes. 24 lbs, btw. Have cooked most ethnic foods, and grocery shopping at Oriental, Indian, Latino, and Whole Foods Markets are like a religious experience. Once you understand the "use this instead of that" when cooking, you can eat almost anything.
  • I think the key to getting past any plateau would be tweaking your diet ( making more healthier choices), and changing up routines. If you've been doing the same exercises & you aren't seeing results, just change it up a bit.
  • Try to take a week off of your normal routine every 3 or 4 weeks. If you've been lifting take a week off & get on a bicycle, walk, or run.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Last week was pretty crazy, and didn't give it my full time and energy. Getting back to it Monday morning.