corner of losing inches & intersection of tossing scale

So I've gone LCHF for about 4 months now & I've lost a total of 23#'s in the first 2ish months, no weight changes in the last 6ish weeks.

I'm a 44 yr old 5' tall small framed woman and I think I've hit a point where my body has decided it likes *this* particular set amount of calories I've been taking in and this weight.

I'm assuming this because I haven't changed anything since I started losing & at a certain point (about 6-8 weeks ago) just maintained my weight within a 1-2# daily variation no matter how I've changed up my eating.

I'm no longer overweight at 137#'s but I'm still about 17#'s shy of my goal weight.

I've noticed that though the scale is constant, I'm losing millimeters :grumble: . I know this because my pants are getting a teensy bit looser, and I'm going down in bra band as well albeit a teeny bit. My body continues to shrink, although seemingly imperceptibly.

I continue to make gains in my weight training, currently DL about 80% of my BW and hopefully that will continue on it's trajectory :blushing:

I'd like to hear from others who have reached the point where they have rejected their scales in favor of clothes as a marker of success.

What made you decide not to use the scale anymore?

How did you decide/figure out it wasn't just a plateau?

Do you use the same pair of pants/unit of clothing?

Can you offer any tips for pitfalls to avoid?

Could I be wrong in my assumption & consider user error in my LCHF diet?
(there is no diary to look at, I stopped counting calories when I switched to LCHF 4 months ago, prior to beginning my loss and eat intuitively)

Thank you for any input :ohwell: I've never been at this stage in all my 15 yrs of trying to lose weight cause I never actually lost the weight. Prior to that, I had always been thin (around 115#) so I'm not sure what to do at this point.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It might be worth counting calories for a couple of weeks just to see where you stand with that. If you aren't losing then you're probably eating at maintenance.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Yes, I'm thinking that's entirely possible :grumble: Though not relishing the idea of weighing & accounting for food again :blushing: