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Search Diary for Text String in Foods

It would be nice to have a search box for the diary. The thought is to be able to type in a text string, and have MFP show me (from my diary history) the line items where the food name has that text string in it. I'd like it to have a link to jump to date(s) in the diary where that text string appears.

The point would be to find how much of X food I ate last time, or to go back and capture something as a meal that it turns out I'm repeating (by searching for a food I know was in there), or to find out how I combined that food with others in the past.
2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    I love this idea! I just passed it along to our team to consider for a future update.

    As an option for now, you can log into your account online at, go to the "Food" tab, scroll down and click on "Printable Report", and see what foods were logged when to get a better idea.

    I know that isn't ideal, so again, thank you for this suggestion!