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Auto Unit Conversion/Filter

Today I saw a unit called a pouch 1 pouch of salmon, I saw spoons and cups and handfuls and Oz what's with all these nonsensical units can we please filter? Or auto conversion? I just want grams there's enough spam and options as is when I search lettuce there's 90000 results I don't need to see cups and spoons of lettuce as well! Please help!!!
5 votes

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  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Hi there! I can understand the frustration here - our team is looking into ways to streamline this.

    In the meantime, please see this FAQ for more information on how to change serving sizes.
  • josiew5124
    josiew5124 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree. When things are done by cup I have no idea what quantity to use. Cups aren't standard in the UK. I don't think it's an exact measurement either. Grams or ounces is preferred for me