Do you have a cheat day or cheat meal every week?



  • I've said it before, I'll say it again - it's not cheating if you log it. Eat it, log it and live your life.

    Hear hear, I cheat regularly (I'm a binger), log it and I'm still 8kg down soo far.

    Last night classic example. Woke up at 2am with a craving. Demolished two bowls of cereal, a packet of sliced chicken drowned in mustard, another packet of sliced roast beef drowned in horseradish. Then I looked in the mirror and thought, "Alright fat boy, you want to play it like that? Then that was breakfast in your diary". Consequently, I've had a protein shake, two clementines for lunch today and an appointment with a cross trainer this evening and hence I'll write the whole thing off.

    For me it helps that I've set my calorie goal to ~1600/day (down from 3000) so that even when I go over, I'm usually under and I can still binge!
  • Sundays are my "cheat" days. However, I only cheat 1 meal that day. Don't go over board with it. Make sure you still stay within your calorie goals, but allow yourself a splurge and use your calorie allotment for something you've really been craving. I think at the end of the day its a trial and error thing for each person. What works for me may not work for you. Keep up the good work and no matter what just stick with it.