Lost 25 lbs in 6 weeks

I was 327 now I'm 305 and I got this app 15 days ago and have been logging my calories and food nutrition. My goal everyday is 1900 but I'm always way below that. I don't like when I burn calories at the gym or running and it gives me my calories back. I don't use them I mostly stay in deficit. I need to friends here to stay accountable and talk about our journeys..I welcome everyone


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited April 23
    At your current weight, you may be okay eating so little. 1900 calories without exercise is you in a deficit. If you picked to lose 2 lbs/week, that is a 1,000 cal deficit/day

    This app/site has you lose your goal amount of weight with no exercise, so when you exercise, you should eat some back or risk not fueling your body. other sites factor in exercise in your total cals, so you would get a higher amount to start with. on those sites, you should not eat the cals from exercsie back, as they are already accounted for in your total. This site does not factor them in.

    The faster you lose, the bigger deficit, the higher the % of your loss will come from lean mass, not just the fat you want to lose.
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