
I was wondering how are you guys able to control eating unhealthy foods and what really easy exercises lost weight the fastest


  • Leo_King84
    Leo_King84 Posts: 246 Member
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 217 Member
    I love walking! Easier on the joints than jogging/running and I've lost 5 pounds since March 20!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,189 Member
    Exercises you personally enjoy doing (or at least find tolerable and practical) are typically best for weight loss. If we dislike our exercise, we're more likely to procrastinate or skip it with the slightest excuse, probably drop it in the long term. Fun stuff is easier to keep doing.

    Any exercise we actually do regularly and long-term is 100% more beneficial for any of weight loss, health or fitness, than something that theoretically burns maximum calories but makes us miserable so we don't keep it up.

    When it comes to unhealthy and healthy, those are words I'd apply to my overall eating patterns, not to individual foods. If my overall nutrition is reasonably good and calorie appropriate, I don't get any bonus points for eating more broccoli rather than a sensible portion of chocolate, chips, or ice cream.

    Mostly, I try to get my essential nutrition covered, then if there are calories left I can decide to spend them on something more treat-like (less nutrient dense) if I want to. One thing that helps is avoiding shooting for super fast loss at super low calories.

    Weight management, for someone like me with a lifelong tendency to be overweight, is not a quick project with an end date, after which things go back to normal. That's the formula for yo-yo loss and regain.

    Instead, weight management needs to be a permanent change in my routine habits that not only gets me to a reasonable weight, but keeps me there long term, ideally forever. (At this point, I'm heading into year 8 of maintaining a healthy weight after just under a year of loss from obese to healthy weight, and about 30 years prior to that of being overweight/obese. So far, so good. Being at a healthy weight is better, in so, so many ways.)

    Best wishes!