A little bit about me and this journey

150Maddi Posts: 1 Member
I am 54 years old and morbidly obese (no sense in sugar coating it) and I need help.
I have recently developed high blood pressure and have had a few AFIB episodes. I am currently working with my family doctor to get on the path to a healthy me. I have also signed on with an amazing fitness and nutrition coach.

I am made of caffeine and cortisol, sarcasm, and cuss words. I can drop the caffeine and the cortisol, not sure about the sarcasm and cuss words.
But none of this helps me on a path to wellness.

I am a non- sleeper (4-5 hours max, and typically not in a row). I have a son who is 23 and has special needs. He is legally blind, has Autism, severe cognitive delays from a viral infection in infancy that caused a stroke and seizures and swelling of his brain. He is still in diapers and relies on me and my husband for every aspect of his day.
I tell you this, not for sympathy (you find that between *kitten* and syphilis in the dictionary), but to explain some of the reasons that I need help.
I do not look after myself as I should. I do not eat great even though I try. I am a picky eater (again, no sense in denying or lying about what I am). I hate to cook. Food prep is not my forte. My personal life is complicated (as is for a lot of people), my past is ugly, and my current is teetering. The stresses of my personal life have played a part in my poor health. I am tired.
The "in my soul” kind of tired. I don't want to be tired anymore.

I want to feel healthy, sexy, and lively again. I need help to find my way back to a healthy and strong me. My obstacles are me and financing my health. I understand my health should not have a cost associated with it, and it shouldn't, but unfortunately, it matters. (Just because I want to make the changes and get the help, does not mean that I can afford it- I wish that were not the case)
But like my dad always said, "Wish in one hand and *kitten* in the other, see which one fills up first." (Sad but true).

I just know that I cannot do this on my own. It’s okay to need help. Yo-yo dieting, fad diets, trending phases......ugh! I have done them, tried them, had some successes then bounced right back to where I was and then some. I am ready to do the work, but I need guidance, encouragement, accountability.
I need to feel like I have a safe, non-judgmental place to do it in. I do not feel good about myself. I present pseudo-esteem in my life. I have learned to feign confidence when I have none. I am the world's greatest pretender when it comes to looking like a happy-go-lucky individual.
Humor covers all for those who chose to not see behind it. I want to believe in myself again. I believe that I can make this work.
Honestly, the amount of money I have spent on supplements, fad diets and crap.... there is room for me to cut out other things and invest in myself. I want that for me. I am excited to get back to being healthy, to living and for the first time in 35 years, feel good in my own skin.

I have avoided the gym because I am so uncomfortable with myself in public settings. I have created my own obstacles. I never believed in myself enough, never long enough. I put the happiness of others before my own.

This is an exhausting way to live. I am ready. No one is harder on me than me. I own my flaws, failures and know I have fabulous and kind heart. I made a commitment to get healthy. I have struggled with it. I have made strides and then old habits sneak in. What is one cheat day? One turns into two or turns into, ‘well it’s the weekend’. Next thing you know, I am back to square one. And then before I know it, I have gained back what I lost and sometimes more.

I have looked for the quick fixes and the promises of health in a bottle or pill disguised as supplements, which are more filler and very little supplement. The part I forgot about was me.

I have taken an enormous leap to change that. Part time efforts will not get me full results. This is my journey and mine alone, but that doesn't mean I have to do it alone. I have discovered through trial and error, desperation and desire, triumphs, and failures, I indeed cannot do this alone.

I need help with motivation and staying motivated. I acknowledge that. I own that. So, I have made a commitment to get the help I need and have fully committed to myself.

Today and everyday forward, I choose me! This road will be long, hard, rewarding and in the end, TRIUMPHANT!!

I will obtain the healthy, vibrant, and fabulously flawed individual I have been looking to rediscover.

I am finding my way back to healthy and rediscovering myself in the process.
It's going to start ugly, there will be tears and cuss words...... And when I reach my goal, there will still be tears and cuss words.... but a different kind of tears and different cuss words. It will be epic....and I am here for it.


  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 993 Member
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

    Losing weight is hard and takes dedication. Once you get on a roll and your mind is in a good place nothing can stop your momentum.

    Good luck to you.
  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 456 Member
    Hi, Maddi! Best of luck to you on your journey!

    What is they say about journeys? (I had to Google it). "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." You've taken the first step. Now, GO!
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 218 Member
    Chicbuc that is one of my favorite sayings!

    Maddi you have made an important first step. You'll find the members here very knowledgeable and supportive. You don't have to do this alone.