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Restore the Edit icon

On Android, at least, there used to be an Edit icon (a pencil) at the top of the Diary screen. This was recently replaced with a lightning icon showing my current streak.

I could not care less about my streak, but I edit my diary all the dang time. Now I have to go into the menu and select ‘edit’ to do so. It’s an extra step every single time I need to update a quantity or copy something to another day. It’s cumbersome and it’s annoying. This change has made user experience significantly worse; did you even do any user acceptance testing before you rolled it out? Please just give the Edit icon back.
6 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Alexmeghen
    Alexmeghen Posts: 1 Member
    Totally agree! Its a total pain. I still can't understand how we can't click and hold on an item of food to copy into other days. Instead of just within the same day.
  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    Thanks so much for the feedback! I just passed this along to our team to review.
  • williamselway
    williamselway Posts: 1 Member
    This is the bane of my existence, I use the edit to copy food from one day to another every day.

    I don't care about my streak, I almost want to skip days just to loose my streak and get rid of the icon and get edit back!!