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Video recording.........okay or not?

ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
A big controversy nowadays in the gym is the use of phones recording individuals workouts. While there are some great influencers in the industry that do a great job on instruction, there are so many "influencers" out there focusing on their own workouts, but doing things like commenting on other members, being angry that someone stepped in front of their recordings, and taking up space they don't need to so that others won't be in their recordings.
IMO, we are in such a "ME" society now, that so many clips and recordings don't really focus on the actual correct form and execution of exercise, but just what the individual does just because they might have a nice physique.
While I'm okay with recording IF the person isn't causing a ruckus and IF they are considerate to others who may ask not to be in the background, I've had to actual ask members to leave because they didn't want to follow some of those rules. Places like LA Fitness and now possible 24 hour have strictly banned any recordings at all and most gyms will likely follow suit. In our gym already, we don't allow crocks or slippers to workout in.

A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
IDEA Fitness member
Kickboxing Certified Instructor
Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition



  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 365 Member
    The implication in your post seems that you generally don't approve. I've never liked it either. Too much difficulty getting people you don't want filmed out of the cameras way. Maybe on a day/time when the gym is very empty like early Sunday morning.
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 1,033 Member
    As long as they aren’t recording other members and are being respectful .. I’m ok with it.

    That being said.. I’ve never seen anyone taking up space and recording like this at my gym, so I’ve not had to deal with it.

    It’s really up to people watching these influencers to understand - you have to vet the education and experience of the person who is giving you instruction. But that’s the same with doctors, therapists, teachers, etc.. that’s life.. not just social media.

  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,449 Member
    I currently train at home but I used to train in a predominantly powerlifting gym. Phones recording were everywhere, but the unspoken etiquette was you didn’t walk in front of the camera; people were doing it to check their lifts and - if anyone did want to post a vid - you made sure you had excluded everyone else or got their permission. In that situation it was absolutely fine.

    I wouldn’t want to be in someone else’s vid but I do also record a lot of my lifts to watch my tekkers back and make the changes required.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    edited April 26
    Recording in a public space is legal and covered under the 1st amendment in the US and in Canada it's also legal in a public space, in a private space, that's up to the owner, they make the rules and most gyms are private.
  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,680 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    sollyn23l2 wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    A big controversy nowadays in the gym is the use of phones recording individuals workouts. While there are some great influencers in the industry that do a great job on instruction, there are so many "influencers" out there focusing on their own workouts, but doing things like commenting on other members, being angry that someone stepped in front of their recordings, and taking up space they don't need to so that others won't be in their recordings.
    IMO, we are in such a "ME" society now, that so many clips and recordings don't really focus on the actual correct form and execution of exercise, but just what the individual does just because they might have a nice physique.
    While I'm okay with recording IF the person isn't causing a ruckus and IF they are considerate to others who may ask not to be in the background, I've had to actual ask members to leave because they didn't want to follow some of those rules. Places like LA Fitness and now possible 24 hour have strictly banned any recordings at all and most gyms will likely follow suit. In our gym already, we don't allow crocks or slippers to workout in.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    The videoing itself doesn't bother me, it's whether or not they're being respectful of other gymgoers while filming. Which often they are not (though there are many that are). I say live and let live, it's a public space, be respectful while doing your thing.
    Actually it's a private space since it's a business and they have the right to NOT let people video record.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    True. I wasn't talking public in the legal sense, more the sense of a shared space in which we co-exist with others.... not our own home. Yes, they can absolutely make rules regarding acceptable behavior.
  • EgoPlacebo
    EgoPlacebo Posts: 1 Member
    I think the general rule should be no filming allowed, because...
    • it is unreasonable to expect everyone else to avoid your shot in a shared space
    • some people abuse others (often unfit beginners) by posting videos making fun of them without permission and that can destroy a person's confidence/motivation/bravery to actually attend the gym at all.
    • some people will not remove accidental inclusions of other people and they should not be uploading those videos without those people's permission.
    • some people use recordings to unfairly accuse other people of being creeps (projecting much?)

    Even if the person filming themselves claims they have no intention to upload the video anywhere, who knows if they're honest about that?

    But, as recording can be a useful training tool, maybe gyms could allocate a certain timeslot, maybe a couple of hours weekly, as the only time filming is allowed.
    Make it abundantly clear to all members that if they attend at this time, they run the risk of being caught in someone else's video and must accept that.

    Currently I personally work out at home because I'm cheap, but when I am in a better financial position, I might like to attend a gym for a better range of equipment. I would definitely prefer one that did NOT allow filming, but at the same time I expect I would have moments when I wished I could film to check my form.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,868 Member
    EgoPlacebo wrote: »
    I think the general rule should be no filming allowed, because...
    • it is unreasonable to expect everyone else to avoid your shot in a shared space
    • some people abuse others (often unfit beginners) by posting videos making fun of them without permission and that can destroy a person's confidence/motivation/bravery to actually attend the gym at all.
    • some people will not remove accidental inclusions of other people and they should not be uploading those videos without those people's permission.
    • some people use recordings to unfairly accuse other people of being creeps (projecting much?)

    Even if the person filming themselves claims they have no intention to upload the video anywhere, who knows if they're honest about that?

    But, as recording can be a useful training tool, maybe gyms could allocate a certain timeslot, maybe a couple of hours weekly, as the only time filming is allowed.
    Make it abundantly clear to all members that if they attend at this time, they run the risk of being caught in someone else's video and must accept that.

    Currently I personally work out at home because I'm cheap, but when I am in a better financial position, I might like to attend a gym for a better range of equipment. I would definitely prefer one that did NOT allow filming, but at the same time I expect I would have moments when I wished I could film to check my form.

    I wonder if it would be possible for a gym to designate a specific area for filming your own form?
    Have it along one wall, with the camera pointing at the wall not the main portion of the gym. That kind of thing.

  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Personally I hate it so much. But, if they have it angled towards themselves and are respectful I guess I don’t actually care. I do see some people online demonstrating things that I get tips from. But when I see it in person, I don’t love it. So maybe that makes me a hypocrite. Then of course you have people like Joey Swoll who expose the worst of them. Including people doing some HIGHLY nasty things to the machines for their Only Fans etc. IDK, if I were king of the world, I’d either ban it or create a gym that caters to it. Probably way too niche but maybe in the right location.
  • Revolu7
    Revolu7 Posts: 1,032 Member
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Personally I hate it so much. But, if they have it angled towards themselves and are respectful I guess I don’t actually care. I do see some people online demonstrating things that I get tips from. But when I see it in person, I don’t love it. So maybe that makes me a hypocrite. Then of course you have people like Joey Swoll who expose the worst of them. Including people doing some HIGHLY nasty things to the machines for their Only Fans etc. IDK, if I were king of the world, I’d either ban it or create a gym that caters to it. Probably way too niche but maybe in the right location.

    I agree with everything you just said
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    I just wish my gym would bar video recording in the locker room.
  • claireychn074
    claireychn074 Posts: 1,449 Member
    I just wish my gym would bar video recording in the locker room.
    Yeah that’s definitely not on. It’s one thing to record a lift to check technique, it’s another to film in a private changing space.
  • AdahPotatah2024
    AdahPotatah2024 Posts: 1,428 Member
    edited May 4
    I remember when I used to do photography it was fine to photograph people in public areas,only.. but we were supposed to have them sign a release form if we were to sell it or make any money from it. I guess this isn't a thing anymore?🥲

    So, as I understand it, this isn't necessarily a crime, but a person could file a civil lawsuit if their face is recognizable and the video is profitable.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    edited May 4
    I remember when I used to do photography it was fine to photograph people in public areas,only.. but we were supposed to have them sign a release form if we were to sell it or make any money from it. I guess this isn't a thing anymore?🥲

    So, as I understand it, this isn't necessarily a crime, but a person could file a civil lawsuit if their face is recognizable and the video is profitable.

    Not aware of any law where the expectation of privacy in a public space would then be evidence of a crime in a civil matter, but who knows, suing people is big business.
  • MelG7777
    MelG7777 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Revolu7 wrote: »
    MelG7777 wrote: »
    Personally I hate it so much. But, if they have it angled towards themselves and are respectful I guess I don’t actually care. I do see some people online demonstrating things that I get tips from. But when I see it in person, I don’t love it. So maybe that makes me a hypocrite. Then of course you have people like Joey Swoll who expose the worst of them. Including people doing some HIGHLY nasty things to the machines for their Only Fans etc. IDK, if I were king of the world, I’d either ban it or create a gym that caters to it. Probably way too niche but maybe in the right location.

    I agree with everything you just said

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    I just wish my gym would bar video recording in the locker room.
    By LAW it should be. Check the penal code for invasion of privacy in your state.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Love when I get a negative review on Yelp from our club. My owner, regional manager and GM know that the *kitten* written on there is usually by Karens who DON'T like that they have to be told the rules.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 35+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
