Im confused, real confused.

Hi there friends,

I wanted to talk ab out a struggle ive been having , see last year i lost 60lbs and i lost my job and i gained 20lbs back. i am now working a job part time now i usually work days and 1 night. but i am doing zumba a lot and going back to weight lifting , i reset my fitness pal to be to my weight now 240 and to work on loosing another 40lbs. lately I've been told to eat 2400 calories not (1780 which is what mfp set for me). i am also trying to figure out snacks for me (i work retail) that i can eat while I'm working they don't usually mind it if were quick about that sort of thing) also lately I've been so exhausted i go to bed at 11 and i have a hard time getting up at per say 8 am while I'm fine to get up at 9 am. it happens even when i go to bed at 10 too. I am confused on the right set of a calorie limit as i was talking to a body builder who told me that 1780 isn't enough for my body so it hangs on to my fat. i need to nourish my body more and by eating 6-7 small meals a day *which is what i did in the beginning* if you can offer tips and help because i also suffer from depression and i have a feeling that this is whats going on with my sleeping pattern (even tough ive been off meds and pretty healthy from it) but i just wonder and the Calorie thing! i just need some general help- what do you think? and some snack ideas can be great- (ive heard protien shakes like wey protien can be good?)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    okay 1lb a week is good...stay with the1780 if that is what MFP gave you...

    Your body wont hang onto the fat if you are eating a calorie deficet which MFP set for you...I promise (I need a gif for this but at work so can't)

    2nd 6-7 small meals a day is bogus...doesn't help anymore then 3 meals or even 1 meal a day...just stay within your goals and eat some of your exercie calories back or all depending on how you calulate them (HRM for cardio eat them all, using MFP database 50-75% back)

    The tiredness could be a result of your depression....I suffer from depression as well and use a healthy lifestyle to combat it...but I can...not all are so lucky.

    Snacks for me are usually fresh fruit with cottage cheese. Protein bars, veggies and dip. When you work it's all about planning for your day.