How many people find it hard to lose weight

Losing weight

How many people find it hard to lose weight 8 votes

37% 3 votes
62% 5 votes


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,838 Member
    There’s a famous saying: comparison is the thief of joy

    Don’t compare yourself or your journey to others. Instead of finding the whole thing to be frenetic and hateful and freaking out over gaining weight over a large holiday, or losing it quickly, take a deep breath, step back and make plans.

    If you’d done this last September when you first posted, you’d probably have been near to or at goal weight by now.

    How can we help you slow your thoughts down and do this reasonably and methodically- and for life?

    Floor is open for questions , honey. 😘

    And btw, I found it difficult to learn the app and create habits for the first 90 days. After that it was FAR easier to lose weight than I’d ever dreamed- and i was in the dreaded “oh you can’t due this because you’re postmenopausal” category.

    So NOT true. It was easy, and I actually enjoyed the process of learning all kinds of stuff about myself.

    Do you have 90 days in you?
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,006 Member
    It's hard to move 300lbs.

    It's easy to lose weight if you have a good mindset. :)