Not having success...getting discouraged

I started MFP in Aug 2011 and by June of 2012 had lost 63 lbs and hit my "first" goal weight of 150. After that, I continued MFP and working out regularly and got down to 142, then finally settled around 145-147 comfortably and stayed there until about June of this year. My son was preparing to leave home after high school and I got busy and...well, let's face it...lazy. I went up to 153ish and just figured that once he was gone, life would settle down and the weight would just fall back off like it did the first time.

WRONG! I am getting very discouraged. I am back to working out 4 times a week and because I'm stronger now, I can go longer and harder and am burning more calories than I did before. I've been very good with my calories, but my weight is just not budging! It's so frustrating. I don't understand how it was so easy to lose 63, but losing 10 is so hard and disappointing.

Every time I weigh, I am so excited thinking that "today's going to be the day I see results"...and it just stays the same, to the tenth of a lb.

So here's my question. What next? If I'm already minding calories like a hawk, burning 500-600 calories/day cardio and adding resistance training once a week, what do I change? Do I start paying particular attention to carbs? Fat? Eat more protein? I don't know. Watching calories is easy for me and did the trick, but it doesn't seem to be working this time.



  • cjohn2278
    cjohn2278 Posts: 65 Member
    When did you start back on your diet and exercise plan...It's been almost two weeks for me (I was in a similar situation of being at/near goal then slipping) and I am just now seeing the scale move...don't get discouraged!!! You just have to remeber that at the end of the day you need to have a calorie less than you are using doesn't really matter what type of food that you eat...this equation is always true! Of course the better foods you eat ie fruits, veggies and whole grains the better you will feel and the more satisfied you will be!

    Keep at it ... and make sure that you are recording least for a little while, you would be surprised how much those littles bites of this and a taste of that can add up calorie wise!
  • Lindsey8166
    Lindsey8166 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in a similar situation right now. I think it is because I lost muscle when I was "taking a break" from my workouts. Now that I am working out again, I am building muscle and losing inches, but the scale isn't moving just yet. Hang in there and good luck!