Dreamforce Weight loss Challenge

I recently decided to get back on track with my weight loss plan. My desire to lose weight was only strengthened when I learned about a weight loss challenge for a conference I will be attending in November. (Is anyone else attending Dreamforce?) Then my desire was even more raised by a "Biggest Loser" contest at work. I am revamping my diet a bit, not completely eliminating foods I love (Pizza), I am trying to eat the right foods. Smoothies, Egg Whites, Chicken, Veggies, Fruits, and lots and lots of water! Who needs pop or soda or whatever you want to call it. (except with an alcoholic beverage) I will not let my weight control me anymore. I am taking control, exercising everyday (walking, kayaking or jogging) and watching what I eat! Encouragement is always welcomed and I would love to meet you!