Introducing Myself

ckbarry1987 Posts: 1 Member
Hello all!

My name is Caitlin and I live in a suburb of Indianapolis. I have been struggling with my weight my entire life. Even as a little kid, I was always overweight. My mom was very focused on a healthy diet and exercise plan for us as kids, so it never made any sense to me. I have done the yo-yo for many years. I was also diagnosed with PCOS and a terrible insulin resistance which has made weight loss nearly impossible. People always say it is just a calorie deficit that will create sustainable weight loss, but our bodies are so much more complicated than that. I am not a lazy overeater, but often these assumptions are made. In November I started with an GYN to help me combat my PCOS symptoms. She also works with me on the right medications and nutrition to lose weight while fighting PCOS. Since November I have lost almost 30 pounds. I need to keep going when it gets difficult, and I know I need support to do that. In the last two months, I've only lost 3 pounds and it is so discouraging when I am doing the right stuff, but again that is what support is for! I look forward to seeing everyone's posts and what is working for them.

SW: 315
CW: 266
GW: 140 (long term)


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 10,939 Member
    Welcome, Caitlin! My daughter's also Kaitlyn, just spelled differently.

    You have come so far and done so well already! I know it can be terribly disappointing when progress seems to slow, but think about this: the slowest progress forward is still far better than a single step backwards! Even if you make zero progress and remain the same weight, you at least have not gone back the other way.

    You got this!