Back again after 4 years of being lazy and over eating

Rukia_K Posts: 32 Member
Hi all,

Used to use this app ages ago and it was great - managed to lose weight and get myself in shape. Sadly I ended up going off the rails due to an unfortunate family situation which led to me over eating and getting way out of shape.

Am needing to lose about 2 Stone (28lbs I think) to get myself back to where I was but this time round I need to maintain once I get there. I'm quite short so 2 stone makes a huge difference - Looked at my BMI and was horrified.

Have started a new diet a week ago where I've cut out all grains and cook from scratch and have increased fat/protein ensuring that I have veg/fruit for my carbs (at a reduced ratio than previously but enough to get all minerals/vitamins required). Am also attending the gym and have increased my steps which is making me feel great.

Any advice is welcome and it would be good to support others as well during their weight loss journey.



  • gwmjaz
    gwmjaz Posts: 9 Member
    I also went off track about 4 yrs ago. Gained a similar amt if weight which became so tiring and uncomfortable on my short frame. My reason was covid hit, gyms closed, stayed home eating and watching tv. Getting back to it now, feel so much better, have to remind myself all the time that this is a slow process, that the weight came on slowly and it's gonna go off that way, but I know I'll be successful in the end. Just keep going. You'll get there for sure !!