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best exercise for the very unfit over 300lbs?



  • KittyJoi
    KittyJoi Posts: 13 Member
    I didn't read other replies so sorry if this was said already but jumping rope is great and fun. I usually jump rope for a few minutes before I begin my walk and after I finish.

  • kellyskitties
    kellyskitties Posts: 475 Member
    Here's an easy simple silly one - if you pick up something in your house and it feels heavy (lifting laundry soap bottle, vinegar gallon down from top shelf etc) repeat the lifting, sitting etc until it feels like you will barely do another. Do with both arms. I lift my laundry soap, vinegar, milk gallons, small boxes, trash etc like this - I wouldn't say it's some fancy smancy gym thing - but it's a small start when you need small steps.

    Look at C25K (couch to 5K). Use the running parts as "faster walking" instead on your walk home sometimes. I learned from someone else you don't HAVE to run to use the program.

    Also - someone posted recently in another forum called "you can't outrun your fork" - brilliant. I'd read that diet is more effective than exercise because it's easier to not eat it than to burn it off. It repeats that thought in another form - but says the same. Remember that. It has affected me a lot. I can't burn off a binge I can eat - because I don't have the stamina. So I have to just move on afterwards.

    You could also look at some stretchy bands for some extra strength/flexibility moves - they are a decent workout especially starting out and are inexpensive. Lots of videos around for them.

    Friend me if you want - I have a long way to go and have had to slow myself down lately to keep from quitting. I'm a long term work in progress.
  • it's been a long time since I was 300+lbs (324lbs was highest) and I couldn't really do anything (not even walk) because my joints hurt. I gained about 50lbs back over a 12yr period and now I'm trying to loose that extra 50lbs!

    But what I did do to loose weight was hang a speed bag platform in my garage and hit it a few hours a day (morning and evening) I know that sounds like a lot of time but it will take that long to get the hang of it, but in that time you're SWEATING!!!! I lost the first 120lbs in my garage hitting that bag! The next 15lbs came off at the gym teaching step aerobics

    And no, speed bagging isn't just a guy thing! First clip is of me, the second is of a female bagger that punch drums, meaning she hits to the beat of the music

    my speed bagging

    MsDeville punch drumming
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hi guys, I've started walking more. forcing myself to walk home from work (approx 2.72m), which is currently taking me about an hour. Runtastic tells me I started walking at 2mph, I'm not up to 2.5mph.

    I'm working up to swiming....or at least being seen in public in a swimsuit! and I've been advised not to run until I lose a lot more wieght because it will put stress on my joints.

    What else could I be doing? (preferably free/cheap)

    You're wise to take it easy.

    When I started losing weight, I used an elliptical and got very good workouts. Another excellent, no impact workout is riding a bicycle.

    There's nothing wrong with "just walking" - until the early 1900's, long distance runners did a lot of walking while training for their races. And these were very hardcore folks, including people who ran across the US (think about doing that 50 years before Interstate highways!).
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member

    Swimming is a brilliant exercise for anybody, but more so for those who are severely overweight.

    I go swimming 4 nights a week, for at least an hour each time. I usually do an hour in the gym before my swim, too.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Walking and swimming are great for you to start out with. Go slow and work up your endurance.

    All I did was walk in the begining.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Walking is a great way to start off anyone who is looking to shed some lbs. That along with proper eating will have people seeing results without going too hard core, getting sore / injured and then quitting. From my experience with my friends that are losing weight a lot of them start off doing exactly this and then progess to jogging, biking, swimming, weight lifting, ect. In short do what makes you enjoy your workout.
  • It may sound strange or outdated.... But I am also 306 lbs...... I have Began working with Richard Simmons "Sweating to the oldies" Three times a week and yoga two days a week, along with resistance bands. Here is my strategy

    Richard Simmons - Gets my heart rate to 120 for at least 25 minutes per workout

    Yoga- Builds flexibility and strength ( AND has the added bonus of stress relief) I started with Hatha Yoga which is beginners and easier for the bigger body.

    Resistance Bands- Give me the ability to add muscle tone- which increases metabolism and calorie burn.... These are not harsh on joints.
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    Hi guys, I've started walking more. forcing myself to walk home from work (approx 2.72m), which is currently taking me about an hour. Runtastic tells me I started walking at 2mph, I'm not up to 2.5mph.

    I'm working up to swiming....or at least being seen in public in a swimsuit! and I've been advised not to run until I lose a lot more wieght because it will put stress on my joints.

    What else could I be doing? (preferably free/cheap)

    80 percent of results is your diet
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    I am hovering right around 300 lbs......and I've been doing water aerobics (like jogging in place, using styrofoam water weights for arm exercises.....yeah, it looks dorky, but who cares?! lol).

    Exercise in the water as a big person is AWESOME because, as you sweat, you can just cool off really quickly by dunking your head in the water. That's what helps me keep going!
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i have always done lots of walking since i started my journey when i was 370lbs. i walk 7 miles/day now minimum. i started barely being able to do 1/2 a mile.
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    Dancing. Turn your radio up and dance your butt off. Just keep yourself moving and that heart rate up.
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    They aren't free, but I found some inexpensive ankle/wrist weights that will help me boost my walking and swimming workouts! Each can hold up to 2.5 lbs of added weight (heavier than it sounds!) and can be adjusted by removing and adding small bars of weight to the band. They give the walking and swimming workouts a bit of an extra burn and help tone my muscles as well!

    At work, I add exercise by walking 5-10 minutes each time I get up to use the restroom. The building doesn't have long hallways, so I sneak into an empty auditorium and walk around it briskly ... started doing 5 min at a time, up to 10 min at a time now, which I add to my evening workouts.

    Another great way to get added exercise is to play with a child or a pet! My Boston Terrier loves to play tug-of-war and we can get a great game going that gives us BOTH a workout! Kids and pets would love the extra attention!

    Doing housework and yard work is a great way to get extra exercise too! In fact, housework is even listed in the activity database! Whether or not you count it, it counts, so doing extra projects at home help with your productivity and health too!

    Hope these ideas helped a little! Best of luck to you! I'm on the same journey! xo