Ladies, I need advice on birth control



  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    Stay away from the depo injection i gained two stone in around a year it was crazy, i felt horrible! Also i was on the pill (llogynon or something like that) also gained weight! But different things work for different people i suppose! I would definately not recommend the depo injection, it was horrible!

    I'll agree with you on depo!!! I gained a lot of weight on it and my "desire" wasn't there anymore!!!! It was awful!!! :(
  • szjauhar
    szjauhar Posts: 4 Member
    There are estrogen free birth control pills out there. I take Camilla and it's been better without the crazy mood swings and I don't always have a period every month. You need to speak to your Dr/OBGYN because what works for me may not work for you.
  • veganita
    veganita Posts: 13 Member
    I won't let any pill enter my body. So I took the temperature in the morning and counted days.
    I've been doing this for more than 10 years and actually I don't need to take the temperature anymore as I'm familiar with my body now.
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member

    Why should the woman in the relationship have to mess up her body with excess, artificially induced hormones?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I know every woman's body is different, but I would advise against the Nuva Ring. It made me have crazy mood swings--happy one day, sobbing the next, horny as sin the next. After being on it for a couple weeks, I started cramping so bad that my mom suggested that I take it out. The cramps became progressively worse, and my dad had to write me a prescription for painkillers. I almost ended up in the hospital. But that was just my experience. Very scary.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Condoms if the pill makes you crazy, gain weight etc. etc. :smile:
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I have the mirena iud, and it hurt going into, mainly cause I had a guy do it and guys don't know **** about what goes on in the lady parts. I got my in October of 2010 and after the first two weeks, no periods. I am thrilled with it. No periods mean no more kids, and since it's the 5 year plan, I only have to wait till January till I'm 25 so I can get my the ultimate birth control. my tubes will be ripped out of me, burnt and buried. true, there's a law suit against it now, but there is one on just about everything. you cant even watch a commercial for a certain sleeping pill or something without everything ending in blood disorders and death.

    if you'd like something a bit less extreme, the depo shot worked wonders for me, and no periods. every three months a shot in the
    a ss, get the right cheek, then in three months the left. easy.

    eta, I never gained any weight with the depo, but when my mom was on it, she wouldn't stop bleeding. everyone's different
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have the mirena iud, and it hurt going into, mainly cause I had a guy do it and guys don't know **** about what goes on in the lady parts.


    I had a woman do it and a friend of mine had a woman do it. Mine hurt. Hers was excruciating. They had to stop the first attempt and she had to go back another day. Turned out she had a tipped uterus. They hurt going in. It's the nature of it. Your cervix is not supposed to be artificially opened like that and it hurts.

    I think a male gyno is pretty familiar with how lady parts work and "what goes on."
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    My daughter got the implant. She has horrible migraines and the pills weren't helping. ME?? I got rid of my babymaker---YEAH But she is doing great with the implant.
  • amsipub
    amsipub Posts: 84 Member
    If you are looking for birth control pills then you will need to try some out as other people mentioned what your reaction will be is individual. I personally take Lo-Ovral as all other birth control pills give me really bad side effects. This one gives me nausea for the first 6 months on the pill and then I'm back to normal. I went off of birth control to conceive my daughter and after her birth I didn't want to go back, but my body loves to have cysts so I stay on it for that as well as birth control (I'm happy with the size of my family as is). There are so many options out there today, I'm sure you'll find one that works best for you.

  • vickiestanton
    just get married. they put something in the cake that makes you never want to have sex again. problem solved.

    Ha ha, are you a guy? :-)
  • squishy84
    I have the Nova T (non-hormone copper IUD)

    I'm really happy with it - I used to be on BCP, but when I went off to try and fall pregnant, my cycles were really wonky. After having my children, I wanted to stay off the hormones so that I could keep track of my body.

    I also don't have to remember to take a BCP every day, and if I decide to have another baby, I can just have this removed easily and continue as normal.
  • Mady1911
    Mady1911 Posts: 90 Member
    I haven't used implant but a friend of mine has. She had gained about 20lb in 2 years and her skin went really bad, covered in spots like a teenager. She removed the implant to try for a second baby and lost without any dieting or exercise half of the weight in couple of months. I personally am on the pill, have changed several to find one to suit me. I'm on Dianette for 1 year and half, haven't lost, haven't gained because of it.
    But I'd direct you to some specialist advice. they can run some blood tests for you and go for what suits you and your body best. you need to keep in mind that we are all different, when it comes to how your body reacts to hormone intake, and what suits one, will not probably suit the other! here's some that I know:
    1. arm implant
    2. pill
    3. shot ( with this the effects are ireversibile for a period of time, ussualy 3 months)
    4. IUD( intra-uterine device...non-hormones coil)
    5. IUS ( intra- uterine system...coil with a low dose hormone release)
    6. diaphragm
    7. condoms
    8. anti-spermicid foils( u fold them and insert them inside your vagina 5 min before sexual contact).
    These are the ones that I know or used as some point!
    Run Google for them, then head to your doctor and talk.
    Best place where I found proper advice and where I didn't felt rushed to make a prompt decission was Birth control clinic.
    Good luck!
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    My weight and mood swings stabilized when I got a copper IUD, and my periods were the same as ever. I'd recommend it to anybody -- while it's obviously not true for everyone, I was a b**ch who ate constantly every time I tried hormonal BC.

    And now my husband has a vasectomy so I don't have to worry about it anymore :drinker: .
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    I use Nuvaring. No mood swings or PMS, and I get to skip a period if I want!

    I have used Nuvaring for 7 years and recommend it!

    Completely agree!! I have been using Nuva ring for 5 years and still love it. Other birth controls made me put on a lot of weight and the Nuva Ring doesn't.

    I am also a lover of the Nuvaring...everything else made me an emotional trainwreck!!! With the Nuvaring, I'm emotionally stable, not gaining weight and my periods are super short and light!!! I've been on it for 6 years.
  • starartist
    starartist Posts: 24 Member
    I was on Loestrin 24 fe, gained a ton of weight... lost it. They recently ceased manufacture of that brand. I'm now taking Minastrin 24 fe. It has been a week and a half and I already gained 5 lbs. back and am retaining tons of water :( So don't take take that one!
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I take Amethia which is the generic version of Seasonique. It is the three month straight bc pill with no period until the third month. I spotted briefly when I first switched but now I never spot and my period is literally 3 days and super light. I don't find it to cause weight gain or mood swings. If you can remember to take a pill, I recommend switching to the three month brands.
  • Anasye
    Anasye Posts: 18 Member
    It's a medical grade silicone ring.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    I was on Ortho TriCyclen (pill with three different dosages) for 10.5 years (brand and generic)- never had a problem. I've been off for almost 3 years trying to start a family, and I have missed the positive parts to them. They always kept me stable, I had shorter/lighter periods, gained/lost weight only due to my eating and activity levels, and I never had acne while taking them. Could skip periods with them! That was a nice perk, too. The generic was $4/month at Walmart. :) Since being off the pill, I found out I had a clotting disorder- but the pills never gave me any issues. I'll never be able to take them again though. Sadness. :(

    I have a friend who got pregnant on Ortho Tricyclin Low. When she went to the abortion clinic, the lady at the counter said she'd seen 9 ladies that week who'd gotten pregnant while on that pill. :(

    No pill worked for me without severe mood swings and/or acne issues. (I normally have very clear skin and am emotionally stable.)

    I liked NuvaRing, but gained about 10 lbs on it at first, and had a little swelling in my abdomen and breasts for the first month or two. That went down and I lost the weight eventually. I really liked that for a few years--easy, low side effects. And I could take it out easily when we wanted to get pregnant.

    Now we're thinking vasectomy.
  • astange83
    I'm on LoEstrin 24Fe as well, my pharmacy hasn't mentioned it going out yet. Wish it would though. It hasn't hurt my weight loss, held steady for a yr, and now started losing, but the stupid pills give my TOM 2x a month, every other week! Takes will power not to cave to the cravings!