Looking for a friend or two

I just removed a bunch of inactive friends. Feel free to add me if you like. I'll do my best to support and motivate you. :tongue:


  • Hi! I am also looking for friends here for motivation and support. I sent you a request. If anyone else out there want to add me please do so. We all need the help. Thanks!
  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    Hey Becca,

    I also just sent you a friend request! The more support we have, the better it is, right?

    Light, Love & Magick,

  • NewMeiN7MOnths
    NewMeiN7MOnths Posts: 2 Member
    i need friends on here as well. lets motivate each other :)
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm Lew... Married with two kids... soon to be three in just over a month! Anyone is welcome to add me. I've been at this for just over a year and have dropped 182 so far. I log almost always and I comment often. My diary is open to friends and you can glance back over the year and get ideas and see how this really is something that you just keep adjusting as you go! Plan to be on here and logging for another 50 years.
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    I am an active participant and would love to encourage all of you in exchange for some encouragement. Any and all please feel free to friend request. Good luck to you all in your journey.
  • Hey Everyone. Im Nyandae. Im from New York and currently live in Jacksonville FL. I have lost 60 pounds in the past. I gain and lose weight like Luther Vandross ( bless his soul lol ) Anyways Im looking for frieds. I love food. I love Zumba Jillian Michales. Currently studying tHe Paleo diet. Had success on Atkins. I have experienced alot oif challenges and enlighteneing experiences while losing weight and would love to share. ADD me! HIt me up!

    Losing weightshould be a lifestyle change, shared and ecouraged by others. Lets stand together and change each other lives!:flowerforyou:
  • I am an active participant and would love to encourage all of you in exchange for some encouragement. Any and all please feel free to friend request. Good luck to you all in your journey.

    What she said :)

    I need to be on here every day because it keeps my mind focused on weight loss and healthy living, so add me if you want. Cheers!
  • jeannie55
    jeannie55 Posts: 22 Member
    I just started and would love as much encouragement as anyone wants to give and I could give it right back if needed.
    I am on here everyday read all the success stories to help me get my butt up and going. :)
  • Meehteehee
    Meehteehee Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me too!

    I'm purposely making friends to be accountable and supportive, and hopefully find friends who will do the same in return! :)
  • smann1115
    smann1115 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a college student who struggles with motivation just like anyone else. Feel free to add me and I"ll do my best to help!
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    Feel free to add me.. enjoy making new friends on this losing weight journey