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Add posting ability directly on newsfeed tab

arcticlynx1 Posts: 31 Member
Please add the ability to post a comment directly on the news feed Tab, instead of having to click on your icon on the first tab.

Before the current major makeover that you did a few years back, we had a better community system for members, and after that a whole bunch of the people disappeared because they lost their community ability to hang out with friends. So if you go to the Newsfeed, you can click a friends post, and you can comment on their post, BUT if you want to post something about yourself you have to go to another section, which hurts your ability to do that. So please fix that design to work better.

Also I think you should improve ability to people to find friends. Because I think community is the best part of these weight-loss programs. Chatting with people really helps people stay in shape and stay healthy.
3 votes

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