Want to be healthy

I was recently on Weight Watchers and lost weight in the beginning. I stuck to my plan early on but started falling off the wagon. Hoping to find some motivation on this app. I would love to come off of my high blood pressure meds and control my cholesterol.


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,773 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    We commonly say around here that we don't do motivation, we do discipline. As in we can coach and cajole until sticking to the plan becomes reflexive, like brushing your teeth.

    Being active in the forums won't increase motivation necessarily, but the act of consciously posting will keep the idea of meal plan churning in your unconscious mind.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,847 Member
    Hello, and welcome! Mr. nossmf has a good point there. Me, I'm not even very good at discipline, but I'm all in on the power of finding new habits that are relatively easy to keep up, but that deliver good results. It takes some persistent experimenting to find those new habits, but good odds they exist.

    I figure that if an undisciplined aging-hippie hedonist like me can lose weight (which I did), anyone can do it. You can, certainly, if you commit to it. Find the right approach: If we try a plan that doesn't work, it's not a personal failure. It's a learning experience. Take that on board, try something else. Stick with that experimental process, and eventually you'll find the right tactics.

    I wasn't on the drugs, but my BP went from high to normal, and my high cholesterol/triglygerides to solidly normal range as well. It's worth the effort!

    Best wishes!